Need a new nipple!! :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
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Hi all

Have been bf little one since birth (10 days) and had trouble latching on to start with but have cracked it now yay!!

Anyway I posted about this the other day but it has now got worse and wondered if anyone could help please?

My right nipple had a sore on it from when I struggled to latch is now a deep open cut and I can't bear to put LO onto it....tried earlier and was crying in pain! I know I can't just feed her from one boob as it will effect my milk production, but I just don't know what to do?! Think I would rather feel labour pains again then LO latching onto it :( please can anyone suggest anything?

Thanks girlies xx

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When Tegan was tiny & i was breastfeeding my right nipple was cracked so badly it was bleeding. lanisol cream is a god send helped it heel really quickly! x
I remember this very well :( It was awful starting out feeding, and this is the point so many ladies stop. Try and battle through it, even a minute on your poorly boobie will keep the milk flowing. xxx
Thanks girlies, I've been Lathering on the lamisol (sp) cream too....think I might try expressing from that booby so it keeps milk flowing and I can control the pain until it's you think this would work? And just feed her off other one? X

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Thanks girlies, I've been Lathering on the lamisol (sp) cream too....think I might try expressing from that booby so it keeps milk flowing and I can control the pain until it's you think this would work? And just feed her off other one? X

That's what i was going to suggest you do. Hope u feel
Better xx
Ouch ouch ouch, I remember that feeling so well! Sorest thing ever! Keep going with the lansinoh (best stuff ever) and like the others have said express rather than latching her on until it gets a bit better. I always had problems with the right hand boob, was agony every time I fed. I gave up on that side altogether in the end, though she was bit older by then and mixing boob & bottle. Still do that now, half bf but only from left side and half bottle.
Thanks ladies am finally getting there and right nipple is starting to resemble a nipple again lol!

Thank the lord for expressing! I really didn't want to give up on bf, so glad I stuck at it :) :) xxx

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Thanks ladies am finally getting there and right nipple is starting to resemble a nipple again lol!

Thank the lord for expressing! I really didn't want to give up on bf, so glad I stuck at it :) :) xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!

well done! it took my nipple a few days to go back to normal. looked like a lipstick for ages lol. xxx

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