Quick question...
My left nipple was inverted prior to Henry being born. I took my nipplette thingy into hospital and i made sure to use it to draw the nipple out, wearing it between feeds so nipple was erectish for a feed...anyways the nipple drew out quite nicely and other than initial soreness in first few days we've managed to establish breastfeeding really well... however in last few days, my left nipple is causing me massive amounts of pain as little man latches on. It's like part of the nipple has pulled apart leaving a raw patch...i nearly shoot through the roof every time he latches on it's so sore. I'm slatherin on kamillosan after a feed and squeezing a drop of milk onto the nipple before that... also lettin the air get to it as much as possible but its excrutiating and hurts between feeds too
I've checked my latch with the midwives and its fine... midwife says this sometimes happens so i guess we just grin n bare it?
my other nipple is absolutely fine.
anyone got any advice please?
love Sarah and Henry xxxxxx
My left nipple was inverted prior to Henry being born. I took my nipplette thingy into hospital and i made sure to use it to draw the nipple out, wearing it between feeds so nipple was erectish for a feed...anyways the nipple drew out quite nicely and other than initial soreness in first few days we've managed to establish breastfeeding really well... however in last few days, my left nipple is causing me massive amounts of pain as little man latches on. It's like part of the nipple has pulled apart leaving a raw patch...i nearly shoot through the roof every time he latches on it's so sore. I'm slatherin on kamillosan after a feed and squeezing a drop of milk onto the nipple before that... also lettin the air get to it as much as possible but its excrutiating and hurts between feeds too

I've checked my latch with the midwives and its fine... midwife says this sometimes happens so i guess we just grin n bare it?

anyone got any advice please?
love Sarah and Henry xxxxxx