nearly wet myself =[


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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:shock: :shock: :shock:

Im feeling loads better- the antibiotics have been really effective but i still have quite a cough.

OH has an eye infection so I took him to Sainsbury's to speak to the pharmacist (sp). I was walking down the biscuit aisle and coughed and I peed a little but I almost couldnt stop myself :shock: :oops: can you imagine the shame

I told OH and he said he would have pretented it was my waters going, good thinking I wouldnt have thought that!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

I was doing quite well with my pelvic floors until I became ill :(

RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA pregnancy is so undignifying :x
I peed in pets at home a few weeks ago by coughing, i had a damp patch and it ran down my leg onto the floor, the shame!
You aint the only one its happening too!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Just keep up those pelvic floor exercises girls, not only will they help in labour....

But can you imagine the mess we would all make without them? Little Britain springs to mind :rotfl:
Oh god mortifying I know the feeling it happens regularly to me, I keep forgetting the pelvic floor excercises and every so often i remember and think ' oh no I must start doing it loads more! ' then i forget again.
Sneezing is the worst cos you can't control the power with which it comes out!! had a few near misses!!!! :wink:
This happened to me when I was pregnant with my 2nd baby, I got a chest infection (never had one in my life, are you especially susceptable when pg??) and was one day with OH riding somewhere in the car and realised after a coughing fit that I was soaking wet, big wet patch on jeans and his car seat was soaked :oops:
I did wonder if my waters had gone, but no, I had weed myself :oops: I felt so embarrassed

aww hun :hug: i always leak cuz i dont do the exerecises :oops: i always forget

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