Nearly single and pregnant, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2007
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ive been having doughts about my boyfriend and was a little insecure, so i made up this girl on one of the websites he goes onto. just to get some information about what he thinks. i asked a few questions which was just normal and we got into conversation i asked him if he was single! he told her he was in a realtionship but he did ask if she went round town and if she did they should meet up! this was ok but me knowing ill not be able to go rond town much because i would be busy with the baby it got me thinkin a bit deaper! so hes not thinkin about me there is he?

he also came online the other night too this website and was talking to lucy, without being on msn to talk to me, so he asked lucy if they could chat on msn! i made up an email address and started to talk to him! through out all this time i was on msn as well and he didnt even say hello!

what he also did was send a message to this lucy girl and jus compleatly forgot about me! who do you think would be proity. sayin this i have not seen him for over a month since he has been back in iraq and would find any lil bit of time to talk to him but its ovioisly not like that the other way round!

what do you think, ive ovioisly proved the piont i was tryin to make!

or do you think im being silly

plaese help me because its not making me feel good about myself and if hes willing to meeting other ladies do you think he will ditch me!!!

sorry its a bit long by the way?

hi hun im sorry your feeling down in the dumps!!! this is no way for him to act though chick - agreeing to meet other ladies is just not on, especially when he has a pregnant girlfriend!!!

maybe you should try talking to him hun?? does he ring you?? when does he go online coz when my DF was in Iraq he hardly got any time to chat on MSN i think we spoke 2 or 3 times on MSN the whole 7 months he was out there - he telephoned me every day though!!!

sorry im not much help babe but if you need to talk to someone, please feel free to PM me i wanna help if i can.

sending you lots of hugs babe :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i think hes rang me twice since hes been back...i no he can be busy and used to come online when he could, he also used to email me in a mornin before he went to work!

also i email him and and email him form lucys site and he dosent bother to email me back but breaks his neck to email her it looks like!

i shouldent have made it all up in the first place and now i cant stop! i just no if hes talkin to lucy then hes allright and im not pullin my hair out to see if he is ok! but its still wrong?

:hug: thanx darlin!
ohh hun you need to speak to him, is he still out in Iraq?? when is he due home?

i dont know what else to suggest babe but just remember we are all here for you if you need to talk!!

take care hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
yer he is still over there and he is back in june, begining of june! i jus dont no what he will say if i tel him that this lass aint real, if i was to say that? and i dont want to put to much pressure on him!

ill be 30 week pregnant when he is back so if all he wants to be doin is going round town gettin pissed it means i cant go!

i just dont no what to say to him sorry hunny! im pilling all this on you!

:hug: :hug:
dont be daft your not pilling anything on me!!!

why dont you, when he gets back, sit him down and just explain being pregnant means changes, you can still go down town, for a drink, but you wont be able to drink alcohol, and he should make sure he isnt down there every night, you both need to make compromises hun.

i really do hope it all works out for you babe!!!

dont forget i am here! :hug:
I've got an idea... Why doesn't Lucy tell him she just found out she's pg from her ex?? "She" should tell him she's so excited about the baby, but also a bit scared. See what his response is to that, he might run or maybe he'll tell "Lucy" that his g/f is also expecting. Might be interesting to find out what his real feelings are without telling him that you're Lucy. If you want your relationship with this guy to work, then you should NEVER tell him you're Lucy. He will NEVER EVER forgive you and he will think to himself "she thinks I'm cheating on her, so I might as well do it". Don't even go there...

Having a baby is a VERY scary thing for any man. I don't know what your relationship with him is like, but maybe he's talking to Lucy because he's trying to escape from his worries for a while. If a guy talks to another woman, it doesn't always mean he's on the look out for someone else. Men are a bunch of stupid insecure idiots and always need a woman to stroke their ego's. If they are under stress (OMG like knowing his going to be DADDY) they like to speak/flirt with other woman to make them feel a bit better about themselves.
When my hubby found out out dfrom me he was guna be a daddy he was working in the pub and started flirting weith all the female customers! I caught him in the act one day and he was really sorry but explained to me he felt like he was loosing a part of him, the bachelor identity, hard to explain but i understnd him, i felt the same becoming a mother, no more getting pissed and wearing slinky clothes.
Just talk to him and im sure he will understand.
Hes back from Iraq now and the other night i was all emotional but we was talking and everything just seemed to flood out. I told him all about lucy and how everythin was. I let him know how i was feeling and to be honest he was very understanding about it all and i was never expecting that. He also explained some things that was on his mind and it cleared some main pionts but if id have never talked about things they wouldent have gotten any better. I think also it was because we had not seen each other in that long we were trying to be together but it wasnt working if you no what i mean. It also took a while for us to settle back down after him coming back but i feel things are going good.

We are now looking forward to having our son and thanks for all your support guys i really appriciate everything.

Hunny im so pleased for you - now both of you enjoy the time you have together before LO arrives and i wish you both all the best sweetie!! :hug:
Aww so pleased for you, glad you guys spoke and have cleared the air! :cheer:

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