Nearly going into 2nd Tri.. Scan 30th..


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Now its come closer, i dont want to move.. (well i do obveously)

But i'll miss you guys.. Butyou'll all be in there soon :)

Scan is on wednesday, by my calculations, and early scan, i'll be 13weeks 1day, lets see how right/wrong i'll be hehe...

So i'm moving out on Tuesday :'(

really scared of going to scan incase somethin isnt right, i listen to Jnr on Dopler, and he/she seems fine, but you can never be certain. At first i was countin down the days (known since 7weeks about scan being 30th April) In a way had few things to look forward to as its my Birthday Tomorrow to, but i dont even want that to come, because i'll be a day closer to Scan.. So wierd.. :rotfl: ..

Hope your all well girlies xx
hope all goes ok
i have a scan later today, every scan i seem to get put back a day so who knows if ill ever get to second tri :rotfl:
so ill be moving next week too hopefully
just think wen everything is ok u can breathe a huge sigh of relief!!
Aww yay!! That's how I felt too but 2nd tri is great for a few reasons, A) because it's more laid back than 1st tri and B) because of all the bitching in 1st tri lately you'll have an escape!!

Can't wait for you to join us :D xx
quote="dannii87"] because of all the bitching in 1st tri lately you'll have an escape!![/quote] Thats a bit harsh! I got the impression it was a combination of a few very sad individuals throughout the forum who have nothing better to do.

Anyway.. back to the your scan.. i know how you feel about being nervous. I have mine in 2 weeks on monday and am sooo nervous. Like you i had an early scan which reasurred me for a bit but its realy scary stuff this pregnancy business.

Good luck with it and have a lovely birthday tomorrow!!

Claire x

Anyway, before you know you'll ALL be over there!! Seems like lots of you moving at the same time too! Tri2 takeover methinks!! xx
I cant wait to be in tri 2 too!!! Only 4 more weeks lol!
Can i just not come up early? hahaha PLEASE!???

Good luck Charlotte!
Im sure everything will be just fine!! :D:D:D :hug:
And LOL Dannii!
I do totally get where you are coming from!
It has been crazy in here recently!?
lea m said:
And LOL Dannii!
I do totally get where you are coming from!
It has been crazy in here recently!?

I think i must be oblivious to the bitching in First Tri then! I dont think i want to be on a website that has all this going on. I thought this was suppose to be for support?

Good luck all..

Claire x
nori said:
I think i must be oblivious to the bitching in First Tri then! I dont think i want to be on a website that has all this going on. I thought this was suppose to be for support?

Good luck all..

Claire x

I've PMd you hun. x

(Charlotte, you can have your thread back now lol :oops: )
hehe no worries girlies..

Its just been bit silly in here, people voicing there opinions where not needed thats all chick

without this sites support i dunno what i would have done..

Happy Birthday Charlotte. :D

I just wanted to wish you luck with your scan hun I'm sure it will be fine especially as you've been hearing jnr on the dopplar. :hug:

And remember just because you're moving to 2nd tri soon doesn't mean you can't pop on here. :D
I'm having my scan on Wednesday too! I'm really looking forward to it as I'm dying to know if there really is a baby in there! I bought a Moses Basket off e-bay yesterday so hoping I haven't tempted fate. I couldn't resist it though as it was a Mamas and Papas one with a rocking stand.

Good luck with your scan.

Sus x
What have I missed now..... I miss all the fun!!

Anyway, I was nervous about moving to 2nd tri too but then again I was nervous about moving from TTC to 1st tri but you'll soon settle in.

2nd tri is great because everyone is much more relaxed about their pregnancies because they've all (well most anyway) have had their scans and all is well so everyone is really excited. It's the time we can all start buying things too so it's fab. You'll fit in fine, don't worry

Happy birthday and hope everything goes well at your scan

Hi Charlotte

Aww cant believe its time already for you to go to Tri 2, seems to have gone by quick.

I just want to say i hope everything goes well on Wed and hope you get a gorgeous pic of your LO. I'll be thinking about you so let me know how it goes as soon as you can :hug:

Take care and please save me a seat in Tri 2. I hope and pray i will be there in just over 2 weeks.

Ooo - it is getting more exciting reading people moving as I am just a few weeks away.

Sooooo excited about joining you - good luck!!!!!!

Div Girl
Right me love we got you a seat saved over there already for tomorrow :) See you soon :hug: xxxx
Thank you girlies!

glittergirl.. I cant believe it was 9weeks ago tomorrow that we were on TTC saying 'come on postie' lol.. remember..

how mad it that..

You'll be in 2nd tri before you know it..

So will all you other lovely gorgeous girlies, with gorgeous ickle beans inside your tummy's :)

gettin abit more excited to move.. but still very nervous..
charlotteheys85 said:
Thank you girlies!

glittergirl.. I cant believe it was 9weeks ago tomorrow that we were on TTC saying 'come on postie' lol.. remember..

how mad it that..

You'll be in 2nd tri before you know it..

Lol Oh yes i remember i was nearly in my car driving down with a test as i could hardly bear the wait. In the end your parcel was with a neighbour the whole time :rotfl:

Lots of love and hugs for tomorrow hun xxx :hug: xxx

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