I think that saying controlled crying is cruel is an awful thing to say. Sometimes it's the only way and it's some people's choice, I did it for 1 night and it helped felix get himself back off to sleep for ages. Does that mean that mothers who use controlled crying techniques are cruel??
I think that saying controlled crying is cruel is an awful thing to say. Sometimes it's the only way and it's some people's choice, I did it for 1 night and it helped felix get himself back off to sleep for ages. Does that mean that mothers who use controlled crying techniques are cruel??
I'm sorry and I know this may upset some mums but cc is cruel. What happens, scientifically, is that the babies shut down and go into fight or flight response mode. That's the reason they stop crying, cc doesn't work.
However I understand that some mums don't have much support from dads, their own parents etc and have pressures of work.
Unfortunately i think that many mums make misinformed decisions amd.i personally try to base my parenting decisions on scientific research to the best of my knowledge. I hope this helps some mums make a more informed.decision.
I agree with bigbee, controlled crying is cruel imo.
I know the user goat has used gentle sleep training methods so hopefully she sees this and can offer some advice xxx
I think those you you calling cc cruel are being a bit harsh. No mum wants to listen to their baby cry and have tried everything else. If you don't agree with it surely you should just offer alternatives that might be helpful instead of being negative and so judgemental.
I think that saying controlled crying is cruel is an awful thing to say. Sometimes it's the only way and it's some people's choice, I did it for 1 night and it helped felix get himself back off to sleep for ages. Does that mean that mothers who use controlled crying techniques are cruel??
I'm sorry and I know this may upset some mums but cc is cruel. What happens, scientifically, is that the babies shut down and go into fight or flight response mode. That's the reason they stop crying, cc doesn't work.
However I understand that some mums don't have much support from dads, their own parents etc and have pressures of work.
Unfortunately i think that many mums make misinformed decisions amd.i personally try to base my parenting decisions on scientific research to the best of my knowledge. I hope this helps some mums make a more informed.decision.
As someone who regularly gets bashed for my educated and informed decision to wean my children at four months, I have to say that calling some one elses choices cruel is not on.
I don't agree particularly with controlled crying, but I am blessed with two good sleepers so have never been desperate enough to consider it. Every one's circumstances are different and it's not fair to judge others just because they make different choices to your own.
I know most mums without a decent rest in nine months are feeling pretty shit as it is, are desperate enough to consider cc and feeling pretty crap going through it all, without having someone else criticise them for doing so.
I'm getting off my soap box now!!!!
What age were you doing this smileygirl? Also, out of interest, are you co sleeping and BF? I ask as I think when I ended feeds in bed it led to him waking many times a night wanting food on tap, as it had been before.
My baby had terrible colic for the first 14 weeks of his life as well as feeding issues so it would have been impossible then. He had a good sleeping/feeding routine between 4 & 5 months but things deteriorated overnight at 6 months and it had taken over 3 months to establish something ok again.