Nausea, dizziness, no appetite?


New Member
Jun 21, 2005
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I've been having some of the normal symptoms lately, like severe lightheadedness that makes me almost pass out, lots of nausea, and being hungry but not wanting to eat. (Actually not sure if that last one is too typical.) I was on the birth control patch, but I missed a week due to a business trip. I put the next patch on for the next week, and used some caution afterwards. I'm just worried that we weren't careful enough.
I saw a doctor about my dizziness, but that was a week ago. She took a urine sample to determine whether it was dehydration, pregnancy, etc. The results said "negative" to the pregnancy. Now, a week later, I'm wondering if that was possibly too early for the testing to be effective. I'm also having a very strange menstruation, which started yesterday but was very light, and also a brownish color. This hasn't changed, either.
I still have to force myself to eat, but I feel like I can't hold anything down. (I don't vomit, of course. I can't remember ever vomiting after the age of five!) And I've been drinking twice as much water as before, but the dizziness is still there.
Some of the symptoms would have shown up way too early to be caused by pregnancy. I think I'm just too worried about it, and might even be making some of these symptoms occur! Probably the only thing to do is wait until the blood stops, and try testing again. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
If you are bleeding lightly it could be implantation bleeding. When was your last period? x
The week of the business trip, May 23-26. It has been exactly four weeks, but I'm not ruling out the possibility of my birth control hormones affecting it. I also noticed that I'm barely bleeding at all today. (Eek!) By the way, is implantation bleeding what happens when your hormones try to adjust to the pregnancy, but you have a small menstrual cycle anyway? (I'm not on par with all this pregnancy lingo!)
Implantation is when the 'baby' cells implant into your uterus, causeing a small bleed - very light
I'm bleeding more normally now, but I'm still kind of nervous. It's probably just the patch acting up and having to readjust.

I'd like to be sure, if I can, though. I have a pregnancy test kit, but I don't know if the blood or the hormones would interfere with results. What do you think? How long would I have to wait?

And thank you, Sami, for your support. I'm thinking of you and hoping your own pregnancy goes perfectly.

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