natural miscarriage - what can i expect?


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2014
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I suffered a mmc last year in November. At the 12 wk scan they found my baby had stopped growing at 8+4 and i had medical management. I was lucky to fall pregnant the first cycle after my first af and am currently 7+1. However, I've woken this morning with bright red bleed that has been constant all day but not heavy, more light period. Occassionally i think there may be small clots on the pad (i'm not really sure what people mean by passing clots when bleeding as I only passed one big clot with my mmc which was baby). I've also had period like pains all day getting worse as the day has gone on.

I think i am about to mc :-( I've called the hospital and the early pregnancy unit is going to call me in the morning - or if anything more happens tonight i'm to call the hospital back.

Perhaps a stupid question but how long does it normally take to mc naturally? can i expect the same as when i was medically managed - a rush of fluid the heavy bleeding until the clots pass.

Sorry for the long post but just stressing, but trying to stay positive its been a whole day and while i'm still bleeding i havn't actually passed baby so there is still hope.
Hi Platypus, I have had two MMC's with D&C's so can't shed light on a natural miscarriage however I know that in early pregnancy women can have bleeding but not miscarry, so hopefully your baby is ok.

If possible I would rest / stay in bed and then ring for an early scan tomorrow, I hope everything is ok, xx
feeling a bit better this morning. I'm still bleeding but the cramps have stopped so that gives me more hope.

I have an appointment for a scan at 2.10pm this afternoon so fingers crossed it will be good news.
Hi, really hope it is good news for you platypus.

I had a natural mc, I will share my experience but I really hope you won't need it. Mine started suddenly, no pain I just felt wet and when I checked there was quite a bit of red blood with a few small clots. It was early afternoon and by evening it had stopped and still no pain. That was a Sunday and I had a scan booked for Monday anyway so went along for that. Scan was inconclusive so they took bloods and told me to come back in three days for more. On the Wednesday afternoon I suddenly started bleeding again, this time it came with lots of pain and cramps and there was so much blood I couldn't get myself away from the toilet it was just running out. I was crying with pain it was awful. The pain eased off after a few hours and the bleeding slowed down. I bled for a week.
I hope your scan goes well.
I had a natural miscarriage 4 years ago, unfortunately it didn't end well for me but I did conceive on my next cycle. I woke up to go to work and I was bleeding, only when I wiped. It was never heavy. I had scans for 2 weeks , no obvious reason for the bleeding. The last time we went its heart had stopped beating. I was over 10 weeks. I had the tablet to start things moving, unfortunately I did lose a lot of blood afterwards. But I didn't stop it was my sons birthday party etc so I didn't want to ruin anything for him.
My friend has been bleeding for 12 weeks now in her pregnancy and she and her baby is fine.
All the best hun xx
I had a MMC last year and a natural mc last weekend.
Natural one was at around 7 weeks - I woke up and had brown bleeding when I wiped, this progressed to red bleeding during the day. I had heavier bleeding the following day but it wasn't any great surge, perfectly manageable with pads. My scan was the day after and I rang to say did they need the appointment for someone else as I knew then with two days if proper bleeding I'd definitely mc. They still wanted to see me and a scan revealed my womb was empty with just a thicker lining still to shed. I had lower back ache more than stomach ache.
It was far far less painful and traumatic than the medically managed MMC I had last year which was further along. I think because I was only 7 weeks maximum this time you don't notice anything major or have any great surge.

Now 6 days later my bleeding has just about stopped. Last time it went on a lot longer.

I'm sorry you are going through this.
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just back from the hospital and it's not good news. They have confirmed I am miscarrying again. They took bloods to check levels and i need to go back Sunday to check they are decreasing. They have also referred me to the recurrent mc unit as i have now had 3 in a row. Obviously I'm devastated to loose another baby but will look after myself and start trying again once the body is ready.
oh and thanks for sharing your experiences ladies, it has really helped me.
Sorry it isn't better news for you. Good luck with the testing, hopefully it will give you some answers.
Sorry it was bad news. We are starting tests ourselves too, I've had 2 in a row but have known issues with pcos so have decided to go privately.
Look after yourself.
I mc and had severe pain and lost huge amounts of blood and large clots (congealed blood) ...i bled for weeks... ended up having medical management which failed and then a D&C - itd took so long it went necrotic and infected
Really sorry hun, hope you get some answers xx
I'm so sorry this has happened hun, thinking of you xx
the hospital phoned with my HCG levels they were 586. I think i lost my baby at around 5 weeks and just now mc it but we will never know. I think my experience so far has been like Clare's with more cramps and clots today which i knew were coming as the scan on Friday showed there was still material to pass. It has been much less tramatic than the mmc but i wasn't as far along this time so that could be it.

I saw you thread JJ and fingers crossed everything will be OK for your baby - I'll be watching for an update from your scan.
it seems like i can't catch a break with my HGC levels leveling out and no longer dropping. On Friday 13th they were 586, 2 days later they dropped quite well to 238, but not enough to discharge me from the pregnancy support. fast forward another 4 days to today's blood test and apart from the fact that they could not get blood from me and had to get a doctor, my HCG levels have barely moved being 179! not really sure what this means and have another blood test booked in on Monday. Should I be worried about an incomplete mc? How do you know if you have had an incomplete mc?
I have recently suffered a miscarriage and during my follow up / review they did an ultrasound and found it to be incomplete so ended up having emergency ERPC, also had signs of infection so was admitted to ward for 24hrs on IV antibiotics. They need to give you an ultrasound to check all is clear x sorry for your loss x
thanks overthemoon2, i'm kind of hopeful that my levels have dropped and all is OK as I just got an almost positive OPK, but will know for sure after tomorrows blood test
Youll know of its incomplete
Itll start to smell
If it does then medical management or erpc are your options x
So sorry to see what your going through lovely x xx
Hi Platypus, I had a natural miscarriage at around 6 weeks. It started off as a brown discharge eventually turning into blood within the hour, As the day progressed I passed through the clot which I believe was baby and bled (quite heavily and clotty) for the next 6 days.

Now with me i didn't get a period for 8 weeks!? So i got worried got referred to the early preg unit. My HCg levels were 5000?! Apparently i was pregnant again, which I find hard to believe as we had not DTD. But I felt healthy had no pain nothing!
Anyway I went Back in 2 days and it was 3000. It took me near enough 6 weeks to get my HCG levels back to<5. Going to the hospital every 2 days for 2 weeks then every 5 days. Everyone is different, and some bodies take longer to get back to their normal cycle.
fingers crossed your levels are where they should be :) good luck xx

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