natural miscarriage - what can i expect?

thanks Buttercup,

I think I'm also a slow dropper in HCG for the last bit. I think I dropped quite quickly but now its a slow painful process leaving me bruised arms as they take blood from me regulary to check its decreasing.
had another blood test today and although the blood didn't flow straight away it only took a few movements to get it flowing, so that is progress.

My HGC levels are still not back to not pregnant only dropping 50% in a week (they are supposed to drop that every 2-3 days!). But now my level is 55 they are confident that there is no problems and i don't need any further tests and they guess a period can be expected in around 6 weeks time as my levels still need to drop a bit. I'm hoping for a negative HPT (never thought I would say that phrase) in around a week as my levels should be around 25ish then.
been doing ovulation tests every couple of days ( i have a load of cheapies) and the line is fading (it used to be as strong as a positive OPK) and this morning POAS with HPT and got a faint line - but it was so faint it would have had us guessing on a line spot thread :). the test was an ASDA brand that supposedly can detect HCG levels of 15 so am please that I seem to be dropping as predicted with my 50% in week. One more week and I think my HCG levels should be low enough that hopefully my body will start to cycle again.
Sorry for your loss platypus. Hope you get that much needed return to cycle soon x
Had a surprise visit from AF this morning - just over 4 weeks from mc! I'm taking this to mean that my HCG levels are back to 0 and I can expect to ovulate (I'm pretty sure I haven't ovulated yet) in a fortnight. never thought I would be happy to have AF visit :)

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