Natural MC


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
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Hi all,

I had a scan on tuesday when i should have been 10+4 but the scan showed the baby was around 7 weeks and had no heartbeat.

I have to go back on tuesday but would really rather have a natural MC at home without the tablet or op , i just want it to be over now.

I hate to say it but are there any ways of bringing on A natural mc? I read a lot of vit c would start it but no luck so far.

Sigh, thinking of any other ladies also going through this xxx
I am sorry i dont have any advice to offer,just wanted to say how sorry i am that you are going through this.Sending huge hugs,take care.xxxx
awww really sorry. not sure what you can do to bring it on apart from waiting to let nature take its course. I had a mc whn thought i was 10 weeks, bean stopped growing at 5+6, it took until i was around 11 weeks for the mc to occur naturally so if your looking for a quick solution then i would say have the op. stay strong. is this your first loss xxx
Thank you. Yeah first pregnancy and loss. I wanna just wait for it to happen naturally but concerned about infection. I want to avoid the hospital as much as i can really so would rather have natural. Xxx
Darling im so sorry

I mc naturally and its quite painful I was nearly 15 weeks though

But I felt better for doing it myself it was the only control I had

Get a hot water bottle painkillers and some big night time pads you cant use tampons hun

So sorry x

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Just seen your signature hun, you've been through the mill! Can't imagine what you've been through. Are you ttc? Xxx
I went to get the pads and stuff the other day but nothing as of yet. I will hang on as long as i can until they say i shouldnt and then have the op i think. I bet it was really difficult at 15weeks! Mines only 10mm so shouldnt be too painful hopefully. Are you ttc now? Xxx
hey hun im sorry you are going through this its so horrible. Iv just had my second mc in 3 months. first one i was around 5 weeks and it took about 2 weeks to pass natually, wasnt to painfull but not a very nice experience. I actually had the op yesturday for the 2nd mc and have to say was so quick and easy, no pain and have already almost stopped bleeding. of course this has to be your choice and i wish you a quck recovery and believe me time really is the best healer. take care and your get your sticky bean
Thanku hun, il defo have the op if it doesnt happen soonish and i risk infection because i dont wanna have the tablet for some reason :/ xxx
in my area they dont even offer the tablet for some reason. i found the op much less stressful and quicker but it has to be whatever you feel comfortable with. just look after yourself and sorround youself with nice people and keep looking to the future, even after 2nd mc im not giving up, will be bk ttc straight away
I went to get the pads and stuff the other day but nothing as of yet. I will hang on as long as i can until they say i shouldnt and then have the op i think. I bet it was really difficult at 15weeks! Mines only 10mm so shouldnt be too painful hopefully. Are you ttc now? Xxx

That was 16 months ago and yeah I am ttc but nothing yet x

It took 5 days after I found no hb for me to mc I was booked fo a erpc but it happened by itself

My heart really goes out to you as this tjme now is limbo xxxx

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Lou, sorry to hear this, have just gone through similar at 11 weeks but baby had stopped growing at 5. From the pain starting and blood appearing it took almost two weeks to be over, was at its worst after 5 days & the main cramps only lasted a couple of days. What has saved me is strong cocodemol & paracetamol & complete bed rest. I was traumatised with it all but now realise so many people have gone through it, my dr said natural was better if at all possible so be strong & hope it's over soon. Xxx
It seems like unless you've been through it you dont really understand and people can forget it a day after they found out and dont even mention it when they talk to you :/ hmmm

I really appreciate you talking to me about this so thank you.

I wont give up but think ill leave it a couple of months before trying again as still feel a bit delicate but might feel different after i've mc.

Good luck :) xxx
Always wait untik you have a proper cycle hun easier on your mind and soul xx massive hugs

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Thanks Raindrop, i was shocked as i thought if the baby stopped that you would just mc straight away but i didnt really know much about it then :/

On tuesday it will have been 4 weeks so im hoping theyll give me another 2weeks at least to let it happen naturally. Do u know how long they give you before you risk infection?

I dont wanna go in on tues so i think ill just call them and say i want to carry on waiting xxx
Yeah especially now, i know the importance of knowing exact dates otherwise i would have had to get re-scanned again to be sure that the baby wasnt supposed to be
7 weeks xxx
I don't blame you one bit Lou for not wanting to go in, different if there is a chance but if not why put yourself through it. They did not even give me the choice of an op or tablet & had waited weeks but when I caught the cold & had a temperature my dr considered it being an infection but still didn't doo any tests as she said to try & pass it naturally is still best. So don't worry too much about infection just take care of yourself & hope it's over soon. I don't know what we can do to prepare ourselves as it is not nice at all but soon be over xxxx
& so true re dates. I was rescanned to see if progress as they said I could have made a mistake & it may have only been 5/6 weeks. I knew in my heart that it wasn't to be but those internal scans are the worst xx
Yeah i feel mean sayin it but the sooner the better.

Yeah it woulda been so much more traumatic if id had to have another scan. I had an internal it wasnt very nice, theyll probably do another one to make sure everything has come away.

I suppose u tell yourself there might be a small chance if they think its worthwhile checking again which just makes it worse xxx
Just seen your signature hun, you've been through the mill! Can't imagine what you've been through. Are you ttc? Xxx
Aww thanks, it not been an easy time I can tell you but like the ladies say time is a healer, you will never forget your angel baby and they will always be in your heart but it does get easier.
How are you coping? i dont think it would take that much longer to pass naturally, I bled for about 2 weeks either side but the worst of it lasted about 2 hours one morning.
Feel free to PM me if you want to talk xxxxx

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