Natural Births with large babies....


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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My moms was a horror story. My bro was 10lb3 and she had to be cut to get his shoulders out.

I am just interested how others found it.

My son was 8lb 1....It was back to back, so he crowned at the widest part of his head. I tore, but only needed 6 stitches. So, think i would have been ok if he was not back to back.

babies head is 2/5 engaged. SPD now hurts real bad. Babies head on thurs was measuring 41 wks+5 days. They are inducing me at 38 wks. Trying a sweep at 37 weeks.

I am just scared that by then, I will never gets bubs out!!

So any stories (even bad), advice, preparation would be very appreciatively received :) Just want to prepare myself.

(I am they keep implying it wont be tooo bad for me :? Don't think my bits are as mahussive as they are hoping they are :rotfl: )
im 5"3 and my last baby was 9lb 12oz without so much as a stitch so see no reason you should have any problems, good luck with baby :hug:
My last baby was 9lb 5oz and I had quite an easy birth. His shoulders did get stuck though but I had a very calm MW who quickly buzzed for help and with the mcroberts maneuver and my MW turning him he came out without any injury to himself or me. Not even a stitch :D The thing I can say is just try your best to keep the baby in a good position but I'm guessing you already know that after your 1st birth. My 2nd baby was 8lb 11oz and back to back but turned to the side when I was fully dilated. I pushed for just over 4 hours and she was born facing the side and had a huge lump on the side of her head and her eye was bleeding :(
im only 5'4" and narrow hipped and altho my baby wasnt especially heavy, she did have a large head on 75th centile- yet i only had a small tear only 2 stitiches. its amazin really the limits ur bits can go to! :lol:
good luck with it all :hug:
kellie80 said:
My 2nd baby was 8lb 11oz and back to back but turned to the side when I was fully dilated. I pushed for just over 4 hours and she was born facing the side and had a huge lump on the side of her head and her eye was bleeding :(

Poor little mite!! :hug:

I was lucky to only push for 15-0 mins with my son. Think my spd meant my pelvis opened well (one benefit to it) and I stood up to give birth.

I am going to try to make sure this baby is not back to back. With it's head sooo big already, I think I would have problems.

Thank you for your responses ladies :)
Im sorry i cant give you any advice as my baby was only 4lb 9oz but i wanted to wish you the best of luck and i am sure that any problems you do have will be short lived by the happiness of having your baby in your arms. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
1sttimemum said:
Im sorry i cant give you any advice as my baby was only 4lb 9oz but i wanted to wish you the best of luck and i am sure that any problems you do have will be short lived by the happiness of having your baby in your arms. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

So tiny!! :D

I think you are right. I remember most pain just feel to the back of my mind when I held my son. I am telling myself I can cope with anything this throws at me (but don't believe it in my heart :( )
My son was just over 9lbs (is that especially big, I don't know!)and back to back, and I had a water birth. I did have a second degree tear but it didn't need stitching.. good luck, I don't have any advice apart from to relax as much as you can and trust your body! But I hope it all goes well :hug:
Don't know if you've read my birth story, but LO was 9lb 15oz and 54cms. A fair size :lol: I delivered him naturally at home no problem. I did tear, but it was very clean and has healed really well.

I had been told I was having a large baby and he was. But I never felt worried by this and I was made aware of possible complications but none of them occurred. I did massage and took raspberry leaf tablets also and believe that helped also.

Link below to my birth story if you've not read it.
Your birth story was a very positive experience Sherry:)

I will certainly try to take a leaf out of your book and look at it all as positively. You had a great mind set through the time I read your posts. I wll have to try to be the same. Negativity cannot produce anything good.

-kelly-....I will try to relax. I think that will be important.
I've had two big babies.

No 1: Induced at 42 weeks
Had gas and air, pethidine (or it could have been diamorphine I'm not sure), and an epidural
Her head got stuck so I had to be cut, but then she was still stuck, so they cut me a bit more, but then she was still stuck and I tore past the cut.
She was born at 42+4 weighing 10lbs 10oz
I won't lie it was very painful 'down there' for a good few weeks afterwards and I kept peeing myself all the time because I completely lost bladder control.

No 2: Induced at 42 weeks
Had gas and air, and an epidural.
He got the cord wrapped around his neck during labour. His heart rate dropped and so did my blood pressure, so they had to use forceps to put around his shoulders (yep not around his head...around his shoulders) to try and turn him so that the cord would unravel.
Then they used ventouse to get him out quickly.
I had an episiotomy (didn't tear past it this time thank goodness).
He was born at 42+1 weighing 10lbs 1oz.
Because the damage 'down there' was less this time, it didn't hurt AS much as with pregnancy number 1 to recover, but it did still hurt of course.

Overall - during labour, baby 2 was the worst (the epidural didn't take terribly well so I felt a lot of it), but for recovery afterwards, 1 was the worst.

But neither was so terrible that I wouldn't go through it all again - no matter what, it's all worth it in the end :)
My baby was 10lb 2oz and I was all set for a natural birth (they didnt think he was gonna be QUITE so big) but after 30 hours there was no joy and i had to have an emergency c section...

so my advice would be hope for a natural birth but prepare yourself for a c section cos i didnt and i was so unprepared and didnt have a clue what to expect and went into shock etc cos it just wasnt on my agenda.

Have a read up about C sections etc and put a contigency plan in place for how you will manage after the birth cos you will need more help as you cant do much for the first few weeks. If you at least plan then fingers crossed you wont need to use the plan but at least its there.

Good luck hun!

:hug: :hug:
Thank you for your replies ladies :)

I will defo prepare myself for the fact that I may need a c section.

They said if I am dialating, they will break my waters. This will only give me 24 hours then I believe....And then a section.

I will read up on all possibilities....I think preparing myself for any possibilty will help a lot psychologically.

It is nice having you guys to talk to :hug: :hug: :hug:
Tia was 8lb9oz and 56cm... lil miss was 8lb14.5oz and 53cm... I'm only 5ft6 but I have proper birthing hips.... the babies sorta just fall out after a few pushes.. :rotfl: :rotfl: I had an episiotomy with Tia but that was because she needed to be out quick... I had lots of tearing but that was from the removal of the placenta... I had a very small tear with lilmiss along my urethra... which was far more painful than with Tia... :rotfl:

I don't think it matters what size you are tbh...either you birth easy or you don't... :)
i think that is true squiglet. Which is why everytime they tell me I will be ok because of my height, I want to stamp and scream :lol:

Your post made me wanna say 'ouch' :shock: :lol:
Well this is a bad story so i hope it doesn't worry you.

I was massive and new i was having a big baby boy.

I went into labour at 10 days overdue.

I had a 31 hour labour.

I got to 10cms, eventually and pushed for an hour.

Alfie was back to back. I had Failed forceps to turn him and then an emergency c-section as they couldn't get him out.

He was 9lb 6oz.

Then i had an allergic reaction the morphine and my wound got infected.

But he was ok and after a weeks stay in hospital we manged to escape lol!

I think you just have to be prepared for anything. I was gutted when i was told i had to have a section.

Thank you for telling me your story. I wanted stories good and bad , so i appreciate it.

Don't want to go in with rose tinted glasses.

I am keeping c section as a big possibilty in my head.

I will defo let everyone know what happens in the end :)
I am 5'1" and a size 8. I am very petite with size 3 feet.

My baby was born on time at 8lb 9oz and my labour was very straightforward and fast (5 hours start to finish) - the midwife said to me that size of baby has little impact on ease of birth? Anyway I tore but only 2nd degree and it healed after 10 days. I'm fine now.

You should be fine hun xxx
Thank you Debecca :D . I think you are right. I don't know why I am worrying so much about something I can never have the answer to until it happens.
well my second baby was 9Ib and she came out with a little bit of difficulty but still out. natural birth Just gas and air

and my 4th baby was born at home using gas and air weighing 10Ib i and half. It was a biut of a struggle getting her out as her shoulder got stuck but i was put into a position which made it possible for her to get out.

I think if i knew i was having a 10 pound baby again id ask to be induced early.
im still recovering now as i suffered with SPD in pregnancy and it made it extremely painful to have such a large baby. I am still in pain regularly now.

but i still love her

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