Flat head (plagiocephaly?)

I think Colby's head looks fine. Wait until you see Tom's, he's like an alien. I've just started to worry about it as he's a while off sitting up unaided. Will take a pic when he's awake.
It's so worrying isn't it. Colby has just started sitting up properly last week so hoping it will fill out a bit at the back now.
Olive, that looks like a great little pillow! Don't worry Devons has only a tiny tilt to it now, and I only know , you just wouldn't nottice, Brody ijs just 6 mths, so you have plenty of time to sort it out. Ours by 1 year was really good, (and Devon was very late at 10 mths to sit up, and hated tummy time) . I did have an old fella chat to me in Sainsburys about his granddaughter (random I know) and he said she had this issue, and she was 18 mths and apparently the hospital said her bones in skulll had now fused together at this age and so it wouldn't improve after that, so keep working on it, he will be fine
Glad i found this thread too we've noticed the past few days (by we i mean me :roll: ) that Jaidens head is kinda flat and slopes to one side at the back, its sort of a bit pointy iykwim?

It slopes to the left and he always seems to lay facing the right when he sleeps, was really concerned til i read this thread, will still as hv but am less panicky now xxx
B is exactly the same hub on his left too. I'm trying that pillow at night not sure if will help hopefully! HV said not to worry. Xx

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The reason I ask is, my doc said it's becoming more common for kids to have flat heads cos of the sleeping on their back thing, so it wasn't really something to worry about Cos other kids would have a flat head too

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