Natural/alternative pain relief methods??


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2005
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:) I am planning to have a drug free birth,it is something that I have always said I would do,as like a lot of people, I don't like taking medication and never have done.

I have my TENs machine ready,I have been massaging my perineum(well,my partner has :wink: )to try and make it a little easier down there and hoping to avoid an episiotomy,and have been taking raspberry leaf for the last two weeks.
I know that I am good with mind over matter and discipline,so will be trying to not think of the pain,but is there anything else that anyone could suggest that may help,holistic wise??It would have to be something that Dave may be able to do,or myself,I will try anything to avoid the drug methods of pain relief!

Any suggestions would be great!
Bagpuss xxx
I've heard taking linseed oil is good towards the end of pregnancy.

Someone told me it's good for increasing skin elasticity and may help prevent tearing??

Don't know if it's true, maybe someone else could shed some light.

Good Luck, you;re a braver woman than me! I'll be taking anything on offer :lol:
:D Thanks for that,when I read "linseed oil" I thought of decorating straight away!! :lol:
I shall do some surfing and see what it says..... :)
Dont know whether you'd be interested but i've been having reflexology and she can it during labour for you too. It's apparently really effective and I know it's helped loads with a lot of my pregnancy symptoms. It can be quite expensive though and it would mean having an extra person there with you which you might not want!

Slightly different but during labour I had music on which was great - my Zero 7 album was so calming and it makes me so happy everytime I hear it again now!

Tan x
Im also starting Reflexology soon and I have just order my natal hypnotherapy cds as this is very good for your mind and as you will know the mind is a powerful tool.


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