Nathan Paul (with Pics)


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Well my waters broke at around 4pm on the 2nd and i started to feel different straight away. I was having crampy pains all night then at about 3am they started coming every 10 minutes but they were very short and easy to deal with. They stayed like that for hours so i went in the hospital to get checked out at 9am cos my waters had gone. She checked me over and said it was definatly my waters but i was only 2cms dilated. I was gutted! She put me on the moniter for about 1 hour cos the baby was sleepy, it was picking up my pains but only just. I asked to be admited cos i didn't see the point in going home cos they were only going to leave me 24 hours anyway. They sent me to the ward where i went sraight to have a hot bath. I got out about 12ish and thats when my labour kicked off. I asked them to look at me again as the pains were bad and i was 5cm so off to the labour ward i went. I took of my pants and got straight on the gas and air. I asked he to check me again as the pains were getting unbareable and i was 8cm. I started to feel lots of pressure after that but i don't know how long i took me to get to 10cm. At this point i was screaming to DH "Just kill me please, i can't do it" :oops: Then she said i can see hair and when i was screaming i was pushing without realising. About 3 minutes later he was born. They had a bit of trouble getting his shoulers out cos they were so big :shock: . I managed though without a single stitch. :D So he was born at 1.39pm on 3.2.07 weighing 9lb 5oz and his head was 37cm. My labour was down as 1hour 44 minutes. Not megga fast i know but a lot quicker than i was expecting.

Fantastic, well done, what a good weight!

Welcome Nathan Paul! :cheer:
congrats :) i hope my labour is nice like that.

welcome to the world little man :)
i know what its like the have a baby with a 37cm head :shock: and Rachaels shoulders got stuck too.
Well done you! :hug:
well done hun :hug:

when i read what you were screaming to your OH it brought back memories and made all my broody feelings disapear :rotfl:

congrates on your lil man :) ..... or should i say bigman :lol:
Congratulations on your new little man :hug: xxxx
Congratulations to you, well done.

Did you know you was having a boy???
many congratulations........... and well done !!!

Look forward to seeing some pics :hug:

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