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Nathan Jay Davey born 16/10/08 weighing10lbs10oz


Sep 26, 2008
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Finally got a few minutes spare to tell you about the birth of my gorgeous little man Nathan Jay.

Well i went to see my consultant 9 days over my due date and they booked me in to be induced the next day. I arrived at the hospital at dinner time and they examined me and told me i needed a pessary,my midwife inserted this and me and my oh went for a looooooong walk around the hospital grounds to try to get things going, when we returned to the ward i had a few regular tightenings but nothing painful :( i then spent the rest of the day bouncing on a birthing ball untill i got examined again, after this examination i was told i was 2cm dilated and my cervix was soft and thin so as long as they werent busy through the night i would have my waters broken the next morning at 7am :dance: .

So finally after what felt like the longest night of my life, my lovely midwife came to take me to the delivery suite we waited for my oh to arrive and then she broke my waters, i couldnt believe how much there was it just kept gushing out!! i started having some contractions but they wernt regular or strong enough so at about 11;30 my mw put me on the drip and my contractions started becoming stronger, i was adimant i only wanted gas and air so held of using it for as long as i could but when my mw checked me and told me i was 6cm i started using it and didnt stop, it was like heaven!!!
Not long after id been checked the contractions started to become really intense and i began to feel loads of pressure my mw checked me again and i was 9cm, she then left the room and i had a bit of a freak out moment telling my oh to get her back as i thought baby was coming, she came back and informed me i could start to push :cheer: i started pushing and just remember thinking i cant do this why didnt i have more drugs :doh: then i heard the mw inform my oh she thought hed be born at 4 at wich point i glanced at the clock and it was only 3;30 i thought theres no way i can do this for another half hour so i really started concentrating then and pushed like i never thought i could and 4 minutes later at 3;34pm on 16th october my gorgeous little man Nathan Jay Davey was born weighing 10lbs10oz.

Unfortunatley this is when everything started going wrong my placenta got stuck so i had to push it out then i started pouring with blood so loads of doctors rushed in and gave Nathan to his Dad while they sorted me out, they realised my cervix had tore and if they couldnt stop the blood i would have to go to theatre and have a spinal block while they stitched it up, i was crying begging them to try to sort it without having to go to theatre, i got back on the gas and air and luckily they stopped the bleeding :cheer: . But apart from that last bit everything went fine and id do it all again tomorrow if i had to, hes absolutley gorgeous and im totally besotted with him as is his big sister,bless her.

I'll try to post some pics when i figure out how,lol :doh:
Yay! Congratulations!

Fab birth story! SO nice to hear a positive induction story AND one where you were given the dreaded drip! Sorry the bit after the birth was a bit of a nightmare for you- glad you are ok xxx
Aww have some :hug: 's babe

Sounds like a good healthy baby though! :D :lol:

Many congrats :clap:

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