Baby Charlie born 10/04/08- sorry its late!! PICS UPDATE


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Dec 26, 2007
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Gorgeous little boy was born 10th april @ 6pm weighing 7lbs15.

My waters went on the wednesday at 5.30pm, kind of trickles whilst sat on sofa chilling. Mild period pains started about 10pm but nothing to worry about. these continued through the night starting about every ten minutes and then getting to about 5 minutes but a little stronger. I rang birth centre at 5am and said i was managing but might pop up for check up. I woke OH at about 6.15am and said lets popup and get checked, if they send us home for not being dilated then so be it.
We arrived at birth centre at 7am and was examined, expecting to be going home, mw says "well you wont be going home, your 7cm" :shock: :shock: oh well there goes using the tens machine!!

Okkkkk then!! :D
We settled in, contractions ok but having the aches in my back so OH rubbing my back on each one...lunchtme when i was 9cm i went in birthing pool and decided to try some gas and air, wow made me feel drunk. pool was gorgeous, warm, dim lights and music :sleep: was falling asleep in between contractions. The contractions were quite bad by now, all the pressure in your bum, its strange. 2 hrs later i was out of pool as sooo relaxed my contractions were slowing up.
Having the real urge to push now as 10cm but each push wasn't quite enough,baby was moving down then back up a little. Was transferred to local hospital as had been 10cm pushing for 2 hrs and no sign of baby altho heartbeat fine. Mw convinced boy as lazy :rotfl:
The journey to hospital was speedy with the blues and twos. My contractions coming on very strong and fast, really thought i was going to deliver baby in ambulance on side of motorway :rotfl:
Got to hospital, contractions strong but coping well, still no pain relief. All i was thinking was it'll be out soon and i haven't gone through this on my own to be sent into have c-section. I met new mw, said she'd attach drip to give baby a little helping hand to come out as my body was prob tired now. With that i felt huge wave come over me, OH just made it through the door and baby was on its way out.. the actual minutes of him coming out didn't hurt like the contractions, was just so emotional and overwhelming. Looking down and seeing his head then him coming out and being put straight on my chest was amazing. Something i'll never forget and my OH was in tears.

I tore slightly so went into theatre to be sewn up under a spinal. Kind of funny, went through whole labour with just 2 hrs of gas and air then nothing and had more drugs to be mended :rotfl: He was good weight for me tho as i'm only small, 7lb15oz and 53cm long.

Overall it was soooo amazing and overwhelming and would do it all again because the end result is worth more than anything else in the world.

Charlie just born

Charlie having cuddles off daddy

Charlie few days old


Stick em up!!

Sounds like you had a really good labour :cheer:

Congratulations on the birth of baby Charlie :hug:
Sounds like an amazing experience. Congratulations!
omg he is soooooo cute

well done on ur labour as well, hope i manage half as well :D
aww, he's gorgeous, and thats a lovely birth story!

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