Finally a birth story!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2005
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Hi all here is the promised birth may go on a bit!
On Sat night OH (Nathan) and myself went out for a meal to celebrate a friends birthday which was the following day, before we left I had what I presumed was a show, there was alot of stringy but clear snot like stuff so i padded myself up and went off for the meal.

At about 9pm I started getting lower stomach and back pains, they wernt that intense or painfull so i wasnt sure if they were contractions or if it was just cos id been sat so long! Anyway once we got home we thought we should probably time them and from 11pm-2am they dropped from every 9 mins to every 3 mins. I was coping well on tens and was calling the birth unit every hour.....they told me to get a bath (which i lasted in for 1 contraction), i found it really clostraphobic and needed to be moving around! At 2.30 am we decided that the contractions were coming too fast and getting more painfull so we went off to the birth unit, Nathan mum met us there and my mum was on her way down from yorkshire (im in gloucester!) The contractions were getting gradually worse and closer together so when i was examined at about 4am and they saw I was 7 cm dilated i hit the gas and air! It was great to start with but i think at one point i was sucking on an empty tank for about an hour!

The pain was getting so intense and they examined me again at about 5am, my waters were still intact and i was 9 cm.....this is where the problems started, and in all honesty Nathan has to fill me in after this as I cant remember almost anything.

I stopped dilating, they broke my waters to try and get me going but it was no good, my contractions were almost continuose by this point and i was at the feeling like pushing stage, i was screaming the place down as it was scream or push.....the mw was telling me to breath through it but it was like telling some one to put there hands behind there back as they wasnt gonna happen it was an instinct! My I had a shot of pethadine at around 8am i think.......this didnt do anything, maybe made me sparkoed! I remember screaming and begging for an epidural for ages and at around 08.30 the stupid midwife said "i examined you 2 hours ago and you were 9 cm you still are 9cm, see if you can wait another 2 hours and ill examin you again! Well (and i remember this bit) I just turned to her and screamed in her face......"2 HOURS.........I CAN NOT GO ANOTHER 2 HOURS LIKE THIS.........I WANT AN EPIDURAL!!!!

My body then decided to show its dissaproval of this idea and went into shock, i kept drifting in and out of consciousness and was shaking uncontrolably i was also completely exhausted and couldnt weight bare at about 9am they whisked me in for the epidural. It was amazing......the relief from the pain was unbelievable but more probs then started!

My bp was dropping which was making babies drop, they had to get him out fast so the doc assisted turning him as he was slightly stuck inside me, he the used ventouse and told me to push with all my might while he pulled......Ashtyns head was delivered with pushing through 1 or 2 contractions, but then i couldnt feel any more contractions, his lil head was out for ages apparently, i remember reaching down and touching it! We had to get his shoulders down but because of lack of contractions it was brute force on both my half and the doctors. Our baby boy was out!

He had to be resussed twice as he wasnt breathing and I ended up with a third degree tear which caused a bleed.....Nathan said it was jetting out of me and the room looked like the texas chainsaw massacre!!!!!!!! I was rushed to theatre and stitched up.

Nathan..... was amazing through the whole thing, how he coped seeing me begging and pleading in so much pain, then watching as our son stopped breathing twice, when he finally got our lil boy in his arms he then had to watch as blood came gushing out of me and I had to be rushed to theatre....hes an amazing person and i love him even more now.

And as for our baby......we are obsessed, he is perfect and I would go through it all again (although I would have an epidural straight away!)
oh god Faye, you had a time of it!!!!

Glad it ended up ok for you.

Well done :D
Oh faye! you did go through it. Glad all is ok now.

Now ive read that im sh**ing myself!! why was I thinking I want this baby out now!

Great to hear from you at last! I cant believe how much your birth story sounded a bit similar to mine! - I'm going to read it out to my O/H!!! - reading your post brought back so many (painful) memories - I had my waters broken, Heidi got stuck on my perinnium and I also had to wait hours to dialate to 10 cm - why do they try and make you wait??!!!. and I had a tear - only 2nd degree but I did have to be cut as well :cry: - by D/H said blood was dripping off the bed UGHGHGHHHGHHHHH

Thankfully I didnt have to go through seeing my LO ressussed - that must have been awful for you all.

Your O/H sounds like my D/H too - so so supportive and with you throughout the whole horrendous journey!! Isnt it worth it though when you get to see your lovely bundle of joy!!!!

I've seen the pics and he is an absolute cutie.

Well done!!!!!

Welcome to motherhood!!!

L x
L x
awww sorry u had such a hard time

but at least u got ur baby boy here now
Poor you had a time of it! I'm so glad LO is okie now - that must have been very very scary for you to watch them resus your baby.

Well done hun xxx
Sounds very similar to what happening to me 13 years ago, (including the recussitation bit) and people wonder why I'm already asking for an epidural now!!!! :lol:

Congratulations Faye, it is worth it isn't it.

Congratulations on your new baby.

Im s*****g myself aswell, Ive got quite a way to go, oh no more time to worry

oh my god hun sounds like you had an awful time of it glad all ok now and you and baby are doing well congratulations xxxxxx
Bloody Hell Faye! You hero. I'm so glad everything worked out in the end though. After your last post i knew you'd gone into labour as you were so unusually quiet! I must admit i was envious and kept repeating to hubby "she's having her baby right now" secretly wishing it was me. Despite the complications, just as you say, it's completely worth it when you get such a beautiful little baby boy out of it. Just wish this LO would hurry up!

Lots of love to all the fam
Juz xxx

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