Nasty UTI


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Hey Ladies....havent been on all weekend as spent sat night at hospital urgent care department with a diagnosis of a bad ITU which has hit my kidneys! Ouch!!!!!

Started passing blood in urine on sat morning, felt awful as the day went on, passed out on the afternoon, had nasty spasm, and had massive temp spike and after being in agony eveytime I pee'd by 7pm was doubled over (I have a high pain threshold normally) but this was awfull!

So rang my GP explained what was going on etc and said was passing blood....not just blood coloured urine...strings of blood and so painful so she rang urgent care and told them I was on my way!
UTI and and has gone to kidneys really fast too as only got worse fri on strong pain killers and antibiotics for next two weeks...also in 2ww now...'if' we were lucky enough to be getting a bfp this time would a UTI affect anything?
Never had one before!!!
Told her we were TTC and she said thats probs how Ive got it....advised that even tho pee before and after sex!

Ooh sounds nasty Wilma. Hope you feel better soon xx
Thanks Pippa....yeah feeling a lot better already thanks to strong pain killers and more blood in urine so thats good...just feeling like Im goina pee every ten seconds lol xxx
I'm not sure if this would affect anything Wilma. Hopefully not. Sounds sore though. Hope you feel better soon xx
poor u! i have been hospitalised many times with kidney infections in my twenties and its really not funny! hope u get better soon hun xxx
Ouch!! That sounds really nasty Wilma, glad you are on the mend now!! :hug:
Thanks kaz its not something Ive ever had before or ever want again...give me childbirth anyday! lol!

Thanks ladies....hope everyone's
Sounds nasty hun, u did suspect it would be uti the other day, the joys of ttc!!
I get them every month but not to the extent of yours Wilma, I hope u feel better soon xx
Thanks EL....god I hope I never get another one again their horrid! But yeah its a small price to pay if we get our BFP's eventually isnt it! xxx

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