Nappy rashes


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2010
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Hiya. Really didn't want to make another thread in kids health so im here!
Nappy rash. Lo had an extremely dark/ runny nappy before bed last night. To the point we HAD to bath him to clean him. Doused him in sudocrem after. He's just gone again twice in the last half hour and seems to be in him up takes 20 min because he flails/goes stiff/ screams from pain. His bum is bleeding and RAW, and I changed these nappies within a minute of him doing it.
Any cream recommendations? Sudocrem doesn't seem to help him at all!! Nor does bepanthem (sp?) or the diprobase stuff x
You could try Cavilon, it comes in sealed sterile packet its a stick with a dabber on the end you use it once and then throw it away. Its a clear substance which isn't visible on the skin. They do in in a cream aswell but not sure if you can use the cream formula on babies. But you can def use the stick, i was given some to use in hospital xxxxxxxx
Thanks hun. I've never heard of it! Can u just buy it in a chemist? X
Im not to sure, i think you can get the cream formulation from a pharmacy, but not sure about the dabber stick. I would defo go in and ask, i stole a few from the hospital lol xxxxxxxx
Get a disposable liner (made for reusable nappies) and soak it in camemile (sp!?) tea and put it in his nappy. Its supposed to be very soothing and really help. Also, if you have one, or could get hold of one, an aloe plant, if you snap off one of the stems and put some of the sap on his bum, it will really help it heal.

Also, just keep going with the sudacrem, and bepanthen is also fab. Im currently experiencing the nappy rash thing and its horrible. I just give her as much nappy free time as possible (yes I ended up with poop all over my lounge :( ) and sudacreming her up, but Im getting some tea next week I think. Poor babies :(
It's horrendous to see isn't it mel. Oh we do have an aloe Vera plant. Would the wetness of the sap not irritate them? Or would you put on a v thin bit and then leave the nappy off so it dries in?
Sudocrem worked fast with my daughter so a bit baffled by what to do with this. He has been horrendous today! Don't know if it's teething, rash or whatever is causing his ridiculous poohs! X
I would probably wait for it to dry. Ive never tried it myself but heard it so many times with regards to nappy rash. Im thinking of getting one :)

I think it might be something to do with teething. I cant understand why its happening either! Im going to up her water intake too as I figure maybe its something to do with the acidity of her urine??? Argh I dont know! I just want it to be better for them, it must be so uncomfortable. Im stripping all her nappies tomorrow so theres no detergent residue. I put her in sposies yesterday and it made it flare up even more :(
Good idea about the water actually, would dilute it more wouldn't it?
Yeah I think the runny poohs could be linked to his teething. His sister got it horrendous, but only with her back teeth, she never seemed in pain withthe front. He's a nightmare lol. It does look so painful though. It just kept bleeding earlier, an the sudocrem only seemed to go on healthy skin, but just slid off the actual rash?
Poor bubas. They all have quite a way to go before teething ends! Xx
When Chloe had nappy rash the doc gave her some timodene, that made it worse for her but the health visitor recommend metanium and that really worked, also, try to keep the nappy off for as long as you can. We did give her Calpol at night to help with the pain too. Hope he is better soon x
Thanks hun. Rash was a bit calmer this morning.. But then went and had more bad nappies and even tho we gotthem off immediately, the rash came back with avengance straight away! X
I know this is of no use what so ever to you, but I do think its teething rash. When a baby is teething theres something in the saliva that changes which will affect the gut and then the poop which is why you get the nappy rash really bad sometimes. Just keep doing what you can and try ride it out. Poor thing :( Paiges has healed quite nicely now. I used a cream that my gran got me months ago, its lanolin free as it can be quite common that people are allergic to it. :hug:
have u tried vaseline? Madison had a permanent raw, bleeding nappy rash for bout two months, i kept getting steroid cream which cleared it up but as soon as i stopped using it as obv u cant use it all the time it came back she got blisters and everything! Ppl told me bout vaseline but i constantly shrugged it off - AMAZING! shes not had a slight rash AT ALL since! seriously try it!! xxx
I use Metanium on my little boy, it always works wonders. Also give him as much nappy off time when in the house to get as much air to it as poss. I never use wipes when he has nappy rash, just cotton wool and water and when he has a bath i dont put any bubble bath in or anything that may irratate it xx
No mel it completely makes sense. I'd use my daughter having nappyrash as the main sign she was about together a back tooth (her front never bothered her).
And someone else mentioned Vaseline to me actually, and said mix it in with a tiny bit of germaline to stop it getting infected, it never even occured to me that it could ge infected, but thinking about it, of course it could!
And thanks kiansmummy, good idea with the wipes. Were avoiding them except some of his poohs seem quite sticky and we can't get it off with the wool so were having to use the wipes so far to get the tough bits
Thanks for all the help all of u. Really appreciate it xx

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