quickie about nappy rash creams


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Has anybody been to the doctors with worse than usual nappy rash? Ryan's bum is red raw and not spotty but bleeding (the skin, not the bum hole.. sorry tmi) and I have doctors this afternoon. Was hoping to get some sort of medicated cream but do these exist? Sudocrem and the likes are doing nothng for it anymore, and possibly making it worse. He's also off nursery (hence I'm home) as he's had 3 loose nappies in a row today and it's like a 3 strikes and your'e out thing... I've not really noticed him teething particularly and he seems ok in himself... just gotta get the ass cream really.

So yeah what I'm really asking is if there is medicated cream available for bleeding ass skin... m
We're off to the doctors in half an hour or so... anybody any ideas?
metanium. teddy had the same a few weeks bk.. think he might have had a reaction to some food i gave him.. the cream is great but it stains like mad..i think its about 3 quid a tube..
lisa&alex said:
metanium. teddy had the same a few weeks bk.. think he might have had a reaction to some food i gave him.. the cream is great but it stains like mad..i think its about 3 quid a tube..

Lisa's right....Metanium is the best I've ever used for things like nappy rash... I used it on Tia for ages and now if lil miss looks like her bottoms a bit red I pop some on and so far shes never had nappy rash :)
Easy as that.. lol if the doctor is rubbish I'll get some of that from the chemist on the way back... isn't that the bright yellow stuff? lol
yeah sorta korma curry coloured hope he is better soon... poor dab.. teds was aweful. :(
The doctor was pretty cool - nice and easy. He says the white spots of nappy rash are thrush and it's worse at the moment for all the babies cos of the humidity. So we have a cream thats got hydrocortazone (sp) in it.
leckershell said:
The doctor was pretty cool - nice and easy. He says the white spots of nappy rash are thrush and it's worse at the moment for all the babies cos of the humidity. So we have a cream thats got hydrocortazone (sp) in it.

Is the skin broken? If so I don't think you can use this - my mum's friend once used it on a rash on her leg and she ended up in hospital with blood poisoning :shock: pretty sure it usually say's not to use on broken skin on the box.
leckershell said:
The doctor was pretty cool - nice and easy. He says the white spots of nappy rash are thrush and it's worse at the moment for all the babies cos of the humidity. So we have a cream thats got hydrocortazone (sp) in it.

What was the name of the cream you were prescribed?

LO has previously been prescribed Timodine cream, which contains an ani-fungal and hydrocortisone. It was amazing - worked wonders on her nappy rash!!! We found that this is the only thing that will clear it up, Sudocrem and Metanium doesn't work for her.
We have a permanent supply of Timodine in our fridge and even got an extra tube for our Childminder. Charlie was so bad last week that we had to literally hold him down screaming to change his dirty nappy as I think he is teething his back molars and his loose poo (sorry TMI) must have been like acid...I have never seen him so raw or in so much pain even I was crying trying to put the cream on :(
Timodine is fantastic!!! Especially nice and cold from the fridge (had to use it on my c-section scar when I got an infection one time)
Charlie was lovely and pink and back to normal the next day near enough!! Just remember to put it back in the fridge

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