Nappy rash........


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Santi is teething and has got nappy rash. :(
His bum is very red and sore and he cries when i change his nappy.
Any ideas of cream i can put on it. Bepanthen?
Been using sudocream and think its making it worse :(
Help ......
A lady at the school I popped into yesterday was telling me that egg white was a good barrier cream :think: although you might want to look into that one a bit more :roll:
Thankyou :D
Bought some bepanthen and he has hardly had his nappy on.
Carpet needs cleaning now :rotfl:
Looks loads better but if it gets bad again i will try eg white .....
My LO's bottom half turned red all of a sudden a month ago. I was using Sudocrem, but it wasn't working, so I tried Metanium, but that didn't help either. I took her to the GP and was prescribed Timodine cream - it worked a treat! After a few days of use, it went down, and we switched back to using Sudocrem. Also, we gave lots of nappy-off time, and stopped using baby wipes and went back to plain old cotton wool and water.
Timodine is brilliant, we have it as although it smells minging - it does the job and clears up sores and thrush as well on little girls.
sudocreme is good but its a preventative measure, not a treatment. using it as a treatment will prob make it worse. i'd get a scrip off ur GP, and try 2 air his bottom as much as poss. hope it clears for him soon :hug:

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