Name meaning

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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I just stumbled upon this;

It gives you the meaning of your name :)

So i put Ivy-Mae in and this is what i got;

your first name of Ivy-Mae has given you a responsible, expressive, inspirational, and friendly personality.

Expression comes naturally to you and you are rarely at a loss for words; in fact, you have to put forth effort at times to curb an over-active tongue.

Self-confidence has made it easy for you to meet people and you are well-liked for your spontaneous, happy ways.

You sincerely like people and do not often experience loneliness; your work and home-life are likely filled with association
Although the name Ivy-Mae creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that it frustrates you through a scattered and emotional nature.

awww, isn't it lovely :)
And Jasper

Your name of Jasper gives you a clever mind, good business judgment, a sense of responsibility, and an appreciation of the finer things of life.

You are serious-minded and not inclined to make light of things even in little ways, and in your younger years you had more mature interests than others your age.

Home and family mean a great deal to you and it is natural that you should desire the security of a peaceful, settled home environment where you can enjoy the companionship of family and friends.

Whatever you set out to accomplish you do your very best to complete in accordance with what you consider to be right.
Your name of Orlando has created a practical, patient, scientific nature able to concentrate on the finer details of a project or undertaking.

You would function best in settled conditions where you are not called upon to meet and mix too closely with others, but are able to work on your own.

This name restricts congenial expression and association, creating much aloneness.
Although the name Orlando creates the urge to be both logical and technical, we emphasize that it limits self-expression and friendly congeniality with a moody disposition.

This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the elimination system, heart, lungs and bronchial area.


Your name of Joshua gives you the ability to be creative along practical lines of endeavour.
Your ideas can be very original and inventive.
You enjoy being with people in a social environment.
Your personal appearance is important to you, for you desire to make a good impression on others.
Your pleasant manner attracts people to you with their problems and you are capable of offering practical advice, though you would probably not follow such advice yourself.
This name causes you to be somewhat too concerned with the personalities, problems, and activities of other people.

Although the name Joshua creates the urge to be creative and original, we emphasize that it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize your goals and ambitions.

Lol my nana was called Ivy-May and she was a real 86 she was dragging me onto rollercoasters and wanted a stripper for her 90th birthday :dance:. On Boxing Day when she was 94 she drank a bottle of scotch and played knock-down ginger in her sheltered prepared for lots of fun xxxxxxxxxxx

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