wow this is ace hehe
can you do me too?

im Due 7th march, 20 week scan due last week in oct ive forgotten the date lol.
pregnancy been quite bad imo, 2nd pregnancy but first went at 8 weeks 6 years ago.
ive had all day sickness since week 5 but it got very bad in the evenings. i lost almost 2 stone uptill now. tiredness was strong after 3pm and had to sleep for a good couple of hours. would wake up about 7pm then go to bed at 10pm ready for alarm at 7.30am.

no bump until now (almost 17 weeks) and it came over a weekend! very low still. lively baby as i can feel him/her constantly moving around at night and loves to sit on my nerves.
the sickness and tiredness have more than halved in strength now but still there only light but i can cope with it.
hair at first felt constantly greasy, even when washing it.... like i hadnt wrinsed out conditioner propperly so i would wash it 2 or even 3 times! :oops:
now its gone totally dry at the ends :roll:

cravings are savory stuff mainly. at first i was totally off anything sweet, no booze smell or even meat! stomach wouldnt like it.
now i like chocy and anything with tomatoes mmmmmmmmmm
lisa when did u change your prediction :shock: i thought id got one over on ya but no ! your blooming right :shock: :rotfl:
a few days back lol...i think i posted on a thread u were on that i thought it was a boy lol
lmao i couldnt beleive seeing you'd changed ya mind lol u really are freaky !
My leg hair isn't growing faster but I thnk it's thicker, if that makes sense.

Also craving milk at the moment, but my morning sickness and tiredness has eased off quite a lot, I feel great at the moment!
Can u do me???
theres a scan pic in TRi 1, have had quite easy pregnancy, no sickness, just few cases of nausea, hair is growing everywhere, i'm very spotty and not blooming at all! Also i started showing quite early and its quite rounded...erm...anything else? Not really craving anything specific as i love all food anyway :rotfl: Gonna stay team green i think...but would like a prediction oh mystic one....... :wave:
Hi please could you do me. Thanks. Im 14 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Awaiting the date of my 20 week scan.

Preggy so far...

Nausea 24/7, sick every day from 7 weeks til 14 weeks, mainly in the morning.
Sore boobs in the beginning, now not as sore but have got so much bigger than before I was pregnant.
Tired and no energy all the time.
No cramping.
Hair and skin appear worse than before pregnant. Hair seems greasy, skin appears spotty.
Definate bump pretty much straight away that is getting bigger all the time. Seems quite rounded.
Craving roast dinners (mash potatoe especially), sweets, fruit, cream, jelly, chocolate, pizza.
Gone off crisps which I used to eat two bags a day before pregnant.

Thanks Danielle xxx
Can you do one for me please?

Morning sickness - not been sick a lot more nausea than anything else that lasts all day.

Sore boobs - still sore now and gone from a B cup to DD cup.

Cramping on and off.

Craving savory foods esp HP sauce.

My skin goes from dry and flaky to spotty and greasy.

Def got a bump already in maternity trousers
ooo, please can you do me one too, I am impressed with the success rate so far!!!

I am due on 17th April, my scan is on 12th December...although I am going green.
I have been fairly nauseous in first tri with some respite in weeks 7 and 8. Beginning to wear(sp?) off now.
Had some bad headaches too.
Skin has been lovely and clear and hair is healthy.
Noticing a thickening of the fine hairs on my neck and chin...but luckily it doesn't look like a beard :shock:
Quite bad indigestion...but then I always have done.
V. tired, but then who isn't??

What I am having? I have no idea?
I really need to know and will rely entirely on your prediction.

3rd pregnancy, 1st two were boys, first time I've suffered with sickness, seem huge for dates(could just be fat), craving spicy stuff, fruit, plain stuff in a morning. Permanently knackered but no change really there!! Hair and skin crap!! :moon:
I would love you to try and predict what Im having, I get my scan on friday and hope to find out then,
Im due 20th March, its baby number 2, im 29.
Skin has been rather spotty,
Wasnt that nauseas,
I am alot hairier,( all over) :)
Really really bad indegestion since day one,
Been the most unbelieveably exhausted all day every day.
Craving stodgy food like hagis and mash,
Got a significant bump already,
thanks so much, Julia
Me! me! :D

I've been spent most of first tri feeling/being sick and feeling quite ill.
Skins spottier than usual, but hairs starting to look a bit thicker and shinier.
Boobs are quite a bit bigger, but still no sign of a bump.
Gone off coffee, alcohol, pizza.
Been craving milkshakes, especially banana flavoured.
Leg and eyebrow hair growing faster than usual :x
can you add me

nausea kicked in all day from about week 5/6, really bad. up all night peeing, no sleep,lots of headaches.

Week 10/11 migraines started and really bad vomiting with them,then had some relief for a week or so.

In first few weeks went of all sweet things and tea/ coffee and lived on cheese toasties and noodles, cant eat meat or veg but by week 7 started craving sweet - chocolate and savoury as in mainly chineese and anything noodle like, not keen on spices tho.

Bad headaches kicked in again at 12/13 weeks, migraines again with vomiting. Boobs the sorest now and have gradually got bigger, 2 cup sizes.

More hair, yes but not so noticiable.

Weight gain, thighs and bum, hips, everywhere really.
bump, started at 7 weeks, quite prominent now but I am quite slight.

Back ache and sciatia and stretching pains really bad at this time 12/13...had streching pains from about week 7 tho.

I have low blood pressure but have not got dizzy, very short of breath when try to walk tho.

thought girl at first now after seeing baby and how big it was, thinking boy but who knows xx
Mystic Pregs, could you also predict for me, if you're not too busy gazing into your crystal ball that is?! :rotfl:

Bit about me... I'm 27 and this is our first baby. We conceived 2 days before ovulation (TMI!)

I have been pretty sicky despite not being a sicky person, have gone right off my favourite food (cheese mmmm cheese) and right onto fruit, fruit juice, MEATY BURGERS (I am - er was - veggie) and crisps.

I was convinced it was a boy all through the first 11 weeks and then had an extremely vivid dream that I gave birth to a girl Connie on 13th April (EDD 26th April).

My hair is no worse I don't think (still got a ladybeard :rotfl: ) but I've had BADDUS SPOTTUS this week - acne on my back and a massive zit on my chin. Mmm attractive.

So come on Mystic Pregs, what's the verdict? I'm dying to know and don't think I can wait till my 20 week scan!!!
Oh yeah and my boobs shot up three cup sizes between week 4 and week 5.
Don't I get a prediction? I gave as much info as I could :cry:

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