My wotsit hurts


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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My fanny hurts. It's at the front (pubis??) and it hurts the most when I get off a chair. I can still walk alright but can feel it aching, it's things when I have to use one leg like getting out a car or going upstairs. It started 2 days ago and hasn't got any better even though I've rested.

I've been getting hip pain for weeks and back problems since 15 weeks but doctor isn't much help.

Is this normal? Should being pregnant hurt this much? I feel really moany.
Get plenty of rest! I've been quite achy throughout this pregnancy but since 3rd tri began it has increased. The end result will be worth it all.

Definately mention the hip and back pain to your midwife, sounds like SPD.
lol I'm so immature at times, I laughed when I read "my fanny hurts" :lol: :oops: Sorry!

Yeah I've had this a bit?! It's most days but not constant aching... That's so wierd because I googled it last week and it just said it was where my pelvis was softening but I guess it's not :?

What is SPD? xx
dannii87 said:
lol I'm so immature at times, I laughed when I read "my fanny hurts" :lol: :oops: Sorry!


I like to get straight to the point :lol:

Mine has come on very suddenly, It's been aching down there for a few days but I've sat with my legs crossed on the floor for an hour this morning and now I can't get up the stairs without horrendous pain and walking has got worse during today.

Does it get better with rest?

Why couldn't this have happened in 2 weeks, I'll be starting maternity leave then so it won't matter.
Just wanted to say - I took my sister to the hospital today as she has had the exact same pain for 3 days with no let up. She is 20 weeks pregnant. We thought she had SPD - but it turns out she has just pulled a muscle in her stomach. The doctor found it straight away and just advised her to rest up for a few days. Not a problem where she is concerned. :D

Deffo go to see your doctor though to get it checked out. Hope it isn't SPD as I hear that is a b*tch. ('Scuse the language).
This is my second pregnancy with SPD. It certainly sounds like what I feel.

And is a biatch!! :evil:
As everyone else has said it doesnt sound like a day to day pregnancy thing, though it is pretty common.

Generally late pregnancy is just uncomfortable, gotta sit up straight cos otherwise u end up resting boobs on feet lol, Backs hurt a little more then before, and sleeping seems to be the worst thing ever!

Nothing "hurts" as such its just discomfort.

If you mention it to your midwife they'll suggest ways to ease it for you :hug:
I have SPD and paracetamol is advised but really it does nothing at all so I wouldn't bother. I haven't tried one yet, but a lot of people recommend bump bands and I know when I support my tummy with my hands it does bring some relief. Also, I have a bit more to it than just SPD so this might not work for you, but I ice my sacrum for ten minutes at a time and this makes a big difference.
it might differ from region to region, but i have a bit in my notes with the telephone number of the phsio at the hospital to call them directly. Go through your MW otherwise.

However, you could always get DH to kiss it better :lol:

Hope your fanny is better soon hon :hug:
I would recomment a bum band, i've been wearing one from about 20 weeks and dont really suffer with back and pelvic pain, obviously i cant say if its the reason, but i do ache more if i dont wear it
sparky said:
However, you could always get DH to kiss it better :lol:

He has offered :lol:

Went to the dox this morning as ended up going up the stairs on my bum yesterday evening. I've been to the doctors about this a couple of times and they've just fobbed me off, now I can hardly walk! I need to rest and hopefully will improve. It hurts to drive also, can't push down the accelerator :cry:

She's signed me off for 2 weeks and then my mat leave starts so I'm now officially off for the next 54 weeks :dance: .

I didn't think I should be in this much pain being pregnant.
whooot whooot!!! on starting your mat leave!!! Will join you shortly

Go through the middy tho, i've always found the docs to be less knowledgable and far less sympathetic!!
And I nearly forgot,


:cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: [/img]
Hazel said:
sparky said:
However, you could always get DH to kiss it better :lol:

He has offered :lol:

Went to the dox this morning as ended up going up the stairs on my bum yesterday evening. I've been to the doctors about this a couple of times and they've just fobbed me off, now I can hardly walk! I need to rest and hopefully will improve. It hurts to drive also, can't push down the accelerator :cry:

She's signed me off for 2 weeks and then my mat leave starts so I'm now officially off for the next 54 weeks :dance: .

I didn't think I should be in this much pain being pregnant.

I am no expert. Can only go on my now vast experience lol

Resting too much will do you no favours. SPD/PGP can hurt if you walk around too much. But can also be a pure BIATCH :evil: if you rest too much. I sometimes find that after sitting or lying for a while, its hurts like HELL when I get up.

Some tips (may or may not help)
Limit how much you ever split your legs (I am not being rude! :lol: )
Place a cushion between your knees and under your bump when you sleep (no good if you toos and turn a lot I have discovered lol)
Try to sit on a cushion to make knees lower than hips.
Avoid heels like the plague!!
Make sure the MW when you are in labour is aware of your condition and measures how far apart is comfortable for your legs. I gave birth standing up. Standing up or on all fours is said to be best for SPD sufferers.
For most people it goes away after....But you do need to be careful. If you aggravate it too soon, it can become a lot more long term.

Pain killers (even co-dydromal) don't seem to touch it. Baths often ease it...But it comes straight back when you get out. Be careful if you go on buses, as they hurt it like hell. :hug:

Other than that, enjoy your freedom from work!! :cheer:
(hope no one fell asleep :rotfl: )

Happy thats the best pressie anyone could give you!!! i cant bloody wait
fuffins1981 said:
Resting too much will do you no favours. SPD/PGP can hurt if you walk around too much. But can also be a pure BIATCH :evil: if you rest too much. I sometimes find that after sitting or lying for a while, its hurts like HELL when I get up.

I'm going to swim 3 times a week but kick my legs and use a float instead of breast stroke. There isn't much chance of me resting too much as I'm a fidget.

I'm delivery driver so can't do my job anymore as getting in and out the van is what has made it worse which has made me sad as I really enjoyed my job :cry: . Hopefully a weeks of two off work and I should feel a lot better.

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