My turn for a hug request :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
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Hi Ladies, I'm sorry to whine but I'm having a bad couple of days and I'm finding it hard to pull myself out of it. Having suffered with depression in the past I'm worried it's the start of a down turn as all the negative feelings are returning and I'm crying all the time.

I've never been an overly patient person but it's the pain of not having a family that I'm finding hard to deal with. It seems we've had to fight for everything in life and now it's something I desperately want, I don't want to fight anymore.

I just want a family, is that so selfish? It happens so easily for all my friends not one of them planned their 1st pregnancy. I feel like I'm letting my DH down by not being able to get pg.

I've made an appointment with the docs next Weds as it's nearly a year. I'm so scared he'll find we can't have kids. I don't know what I'd do, it's all I've ever wanted.

Sorry to moan, I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm sick of being positive. How have you guys coped with the down times?
aww hun sorry your feeling down. :hug: :hug:

I feel the same way a lot of the time, i know a few people that are pregnant or have got pregnant and didnt plan it or want it and it makes me feel really let down. It just seems like it always happens to those kinda people. I think every one has down days but you just have to think of how much this is all going to worth it when you do get pregnant. I know theres always a worry of 'i might never have kids' but theres so many sucess stories of here where people have thought that.

Me and my DH have the worst luck with every thing and i dont know why i was so suprised that trying for baby was going to be a struggle, but one thing iv learnt through it all is that i have definatly married the most perfect guy. and thats one reason im thankful that its taken us so long, and when we do have a baby itll mean the world to us :hug:

PM me if you ever want to chat hun :hug:
I don't know what to say to you, all i can do if offer :hug:

Its probably not much help but i hope it shows we care x x x
Thanks guys. You're right Jenna I thought me and DH were close before this but this had made us even closer. He says the same that when we do have our family we'll appreciate it so much more. Thanks for the hugs Tots, they help alot. It's just the downs are so hard to bear.
im sorry hunny you having a few bad days but thats all they are we are all going throught this horrible rollcoater ride, seams to be alot of downs on ride. :hug:

But we have to keep postive & :pray: that it will happen very soon.

I have been TTC 1 year August so i know how you are feeling

:hug: :hug:
aww hun i kno how stressed out you can feel. with hormones driving u crazy aswell. dont feel like uve let your DH down, im sure he doesnt feel that way about you.
i just hope u get it sorted soon and get ya lil bean on the way lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Perhaps we should have a sod it club where we can just send each other texts saying sod it on bad days and get it out of our system :wink:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Perhaps we should have a sod it club where we can just send each other texts saying sod it on bad days and get it out of our system :wink:
I know, it is sad when others seem to get preg so easily (not that I do anything but cheer for those preg on this forum, but you know what I mean) maybe you could get a counsellor while facing ttc/tests?

I have had depression in the past and after a lot of nagging I have got a nurse again who visits me once a month, it's someone to chat to and give me ideas for how to improve my life.

:hug: :hug: ...plenty more of these to come if you need them..


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