my surprise wedding story


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
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i wrote this post on wednesday when i got married but apparently i didnt post it on here so here it is lol

my day has been so weird...

i had a surprise WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me and colin were supposed to get married today but we called it off when i got pregnant. i was really upset but with buying the house etc we just didnt have enough money.

i got up this morning and juliet (colins step-mum) rang me and asked me to go over as she wanted to talk to me. when i got there she told me she had booked me a nail appointment as a surprise and it was at 10.00. so i just went along and had my nails done quite confused but i didnt ask any questions. then the beautition went on to do my make up... saying that juliet had also paid for that. so i was there until about 12 ish the juliet walked in and she was wearing a really nice outfit and in her hand she had a gorgeous white dress.... i was like WTF is going on???
she smiled and told me we were going out for lunch and told me to put the dress on its not like a wedding dress just a summery white dress and she got me really nice shoes. by this time i was getting really suspicous (sp) but i put it on and its lovely (still wearing it lol)
the beauty place is just down the road from the church and juliet said why dont we walk to our house and get the car (which is just past the church) and then we'll go for lunch. so we went to walk past the church and i could tell that there was a wedding going on coz there were cars and stuff there and all of a sudden juliet changed direction and started walking into the church i was asking her what was going on and then my dad walked out of the church and he was smiling at me and he was wearing a suit. he hugged me and juliet went inside. i asked him what was going on and he told me i was getting married... i didnt believe him at all!!!!
he then said we had to go inside and as we did the wedding march started and we were walking down the isle! there werent many people there... just family and close friends and rhys.. rhys with my mum dressed in a suit... omg he just looked so cute.. and colin, just smiling watching me walk down the isle. i almost cried!!!
the service was a bit difficult as obviously i hadnt practiced but i went along with it and eventually we were married!!! the vows were really meaningful and the songs were so nice it was so so so perfect!!
after the service we had photographs taken and everybody went to juliets house as they have a big victorian house. it was decorated really nice and they had caterers come and do a spit-rost buffet type thing and everybody brought presents (which i cant wait to open!!!!)it was all really relaxed and everybody was really chilled out etc
at about 9.00 i came home to put rhys to bed and calm down a bit and colin is still there he should be home soon and i guess everybody will make there way home. there was no speaches or anything or even a real wedding cake BUT it was the BEST DAY EVER
Wow how wonderful! I would have been roaring my eyes out! :cry: :lol:

How romantic! Ahhhhhhhh! :)

:cheer: CONGRATULATIONS! :cheer:
LOL I didn't know if I missed it or not hehe

Sounds like an amazing day, congratulations!!! :D
WOW! I'm amazed they could plan a wedding around you without you knowing, especially as the BRIDE!!


nobody said a word, not even a hint! no secret wisperings going on or strange occurences that i noticed! maybe im just blind lol!
OH WOW!!!!!!

Congratulations!!! What a fantastic suprise!!!!

:dance: :dance:
congratulations hun thats such a lovely story to tell the grandchildren lol i hope you will be very happy together :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
congratulations- it sounds like you had an amazing day :hug:
OH MY GAWD!!! How amazing and romantic was that???!!!! It made me cry!!

Congrats you guys :hug: :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance: :clap: :clap:

We want piccies :cheer: :cheer:
OMG that sounds loverly congratulations hun
dont suppose ur hubby as a bro does he ? :rotfl:
that made me cry too!! Well done you and congratulations what a marvellous start to married life!!
what a lovely happy for u all the best :hug: :hug: :hug: :clap: :dance: :clap: :clap: :dance: :clap:
omg thats so amazing i cant imagine what i would have done, i would have cried i know that..

congratualtions hunni sounds like you hubby is one to keep hold of. cos thats well romantic. :hug: :hug:

congrats :dance: :cheer:
Ah what a lovely surprise!! Congratulations!!!!

Wow that's amazing, how wonderful!! Congratulations :hug: :hug:
Many congratulations....that is hugely romantic! :D
What A Lovely Story, Congrats!

Now We Need To See Piccies :D
missac said:
that made me cry too!!

me too glad I wasn't the only one, what a lovely day.

My hubby would never do anything that romantic.


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