My Story, 3 Angel babies


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2013
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Hello everyone,

Im new here, I just wanted to share my story, get it all off my chest. Iv been through hell and back over the last 17 months with trying to become a mum, iv been through hell and back and on an emotional roller coaster and iv realised that keeping things bottled up inside does no good......... here is my story so far...........

I first became pregnant at the age of 30, to be honest it was a bit of a shock as I hadnt been with my partner all that long but my partner and I soon got used to the idea and couldnt wait to be parents. I have always been a bit of a cynical person and I didnt want anyone buying us anything or us to buy anything for our new arrival. I had no idea what was coming but still I didnt want to tempt fate. We had our 12 week scan and was told that everything looked fine even though the sonographer told me I had my dates wrong and I was only 11 weeks when I thought I was nearer to 14 weeks.
We went along with the pregnancy and I felt fine, no sickness or anything just sore boobs!!
We went for our routine 20 week scan and where hit by the awful news that they had detected some abnormalities with our baby, she didnt say much other than there was a problem with the brain and that there didnt seem to be much fluid around the baby, we where booked in to see a consultant at a different hospital the next day......the news wasnt good, my head couldnt take in what the Dr was saying as he reeled off all these problems with my little girl, we decided to find out the sex once we knew the news that our baby wasnt 'compatible with life' (lovely way to put it isnt it!?!) 2 days later I delivered our beautiful daughter and my life was never going to be the same again. We had to wait for test results to come back before we could TTC again as we didnt know if the problem was genetic or heriditary between me and my partner.........6 weeks later we go the results and thankfully we where told that it was 'just one of those things' and that it was nothing seriously wrong with my partner and I which had caused the problems.....our daughter had Triploidy which meant everyone of her chromosomes was XXX isntead of XX and that she had 69 chromosomes instead od the normal 48, we where told that Triploidy is responsible for the majority of miscarriages, although I hadnt miscarried, we had to make the decision to end the preganacy which was cruel enough in its self.

Nine months later and a lot of frustrated months where my AF arrived when I didnt want it to I discovered I was preganat again..... I was scared about what would happen this time but I tried to keep positive believing that I couldnt be so unlucky again, I was wrong.............I started to bleed at 9+5 the worst of it was that it was on a Friday night and when I phoned my Auntie who is a midwife, she said that the Bleeding in Early Pregnancy (BEP) clinic didnt open until monday morning, so I had the weekend filled with worry all the while bleeding, if only slight, and trying to 'rest' and 'keep calm' Monday morning came and we went to the BEP clinic, by my dates I was 10 weeks but they told us that our little bean had stopped growing at 5+6, in another cruel blow, they said that a heart beat would not always be detectable at 5+6 so i needed to come back on the Friday for another scan 'just to be sure' that was another week from 5.30am on the Friday, I had my answer as my miscarriage began and within 2 hours it was over, I went back to the hospital to be checked over and due to the blood loss and the fact that my womb had emptied but my little bean was still in there I had to be kept in for monitoring, My little bean finally came out on the following Wednesday and we where once again devastated.

We tried to get on with our lives with the reassurance that we would be monitored more closely the next time, in the NHS they wont do further testing until you have had 3 consecutive losses!??! My 3rd pregnancy happened in September 2012, as i'd become rather obsessed with TTC, I knew by day 29 after my LMP that I was pregnant, I used an OPK initially and got a very dark line, I knew I wouldnt be ovulating so I went and bought a HPT which came back with a very feint line but as they say I knew that 'a line was a line' the next day we went straight to the BEP clinic where I was put on Aspirin and high dose Folic Acid, as i was only 4 weeks pregnant, if that, they couldnt see anything on the vaginal scan so decided to monitor my blood HCG levels every 2 days, surely this time we would be ok.............It wasnt meant to be, my HCG levels where rising but no where near what they should have been and despite my body continuing to produce the pregnancy hormone the pregnancy was not viable, In order to prevent any complications my pregnancy was treated as an ectopic pregnancy and I was given 2 Methotrexate injections to disolve whatever was creating the HCG.......I wasnt surprised .I just felt numb and still do really, I think iv put up defenses to protect myself and dare I say it but I just knew that it wasnt going to happen again.........

We where told that we couldnt TTC for at least 3 months due to the Methotrexate injection as its so toxic but in that time we where given tests to rule out anything genetic between my partner and I, its called Karyotyping, where they look at all of our chromosomes to see if there is a problem when our genes mix, the 6 week wait was horrible but thankfully they all came back normal......that day was a bit of an anti-climax as although we knew that there where no serious problems it still didnt explain why I had had 3 failed pregnancies..............

So........................Here I am, writing this, its been 27 days since my LMP and we have not been using precautions since the beginning of this year, i knew roughly when I was ovulating and kept an eye on my CM...........I know that it is very early days but I can feel the anticipation building already, I have tried not to think about the posibility of being pregnant but I want nothing more even though Im petrified of what may happen. I think I'll use this forum just to try and take the pressure off my partner when I start to feel like im going round the bend either because iv come on or because I havnt!!! ha ha. i know its too early to test yet but im wanting to already so the next week is gonna be pretty tough for me I can tell.

I dont know if anyone else will read this or if anyone can relate to my story or how Im feeling but from reading the other threads you all seem like a lovely bunch of ladies and I hope you can help me get through it all and I'll do my best to help others where I can

Love and baby dust to everyone

aw didnt wanna read and run sorry for your losses i know how you feel loosing apart of you hopefully your time will come this year:) good luck to you xx
Hi, just wanted to say I'm so sorry for all you have Been through :(I can empathise, having had several chemicals and a still birth at 38 weeks due to a chromosome abnormality.
We also had the chromosome testing, so I certainly felt a pang when I read your story. The wait was indeed agony. I was beside myself.
Thankfully all was ok and they tested for clotting issues too and that was ok.

The journey from then on was hard, I became almost obsessed with ttc, people say relax it will happen but that's hard when time is going by and each month af comes.

I am now 20 weeks pregnant and feel so blessed, but also scarred from all that has happened sadly.
Most of the time I'm so happy and grateful but I have moments where I'm really worried and of course I miss my daughter desperately too.

I really hope you are pregnant soon angelD, and that things go wonderfully well. It will be so lovely to be a mum.
Are you taking any folic acid and vitamins?
Hi, just wanted to say I'm so sorry for all you have Been through :(I can empathise, having had several chemicals and a still birth at 38 weeks due to a chromosome abnormality.
We also had the chromosome testing, so I certainly felt a pang when I read your story. The wait was indeed agony. I was beside myself.
Thankfully all was ok and they tested for clotting issues too and that was ok.

The journey from then on was hard, I became almost obsessed with ttc, people say relax it will happen but that's hard when time is going by and each month af comes.

I am now 20 weeks pregnant and feel so blessed, but also scarred from all that has happened sadly.
Most of the time I'm so happy and grateful but I have moments where I'm really worried and of course I miss my daughter desperately too.

I really hope you are pregnant soon angelD, and that things go wonderfully well. It will be so lovely to be a mum.
Are you taking any folic acid and vitamins?

Aww that does give me hope, thank you for your reply. I too have been tested for the clotting factor, they said that all the tests came back clear.

I am taking 5mg Folic Acid and 75mg Aspirin daily as advised by my consultant, she has said that as soon as i become pregnant again to go back to the hospital to be monitored and they may put me on Heparin Injections too.
we shall see.
iv learned not to get my hopes up although its hard not to, the sad thing is knowing that even when I am pregnant again, it wont be enjoyable as there is constant worry, nothing is certain right up to the delivery and evn beyond. Id love to go around with my head in the clouds without a care in the world whilst being pregnant but its never going to be like that which is a shame, it gives me shivers when people announce their pregnancies to the world really early and the fact that people think that all is well after the 12 week scan, most people dont realise how important the 20 week scan is and what that scan is actuallly for ie; detecting abnormalaties.....I may well announce that i am pregnant on here and to my nearest and dearest but i think ill keep it to myself as much as i can until that 20 week scan has passed....... sorry, all that was quite negative and harsh but thats the reality in my eyes and as you can probably guess i still have feelings of bitterness and jealousy at times xxx

All the best with your prescious cargo, ill keep an eye on your posts to see how your doing xxx
I have the same feelings. We only told some family at 12 weeks and gradually told the rest as we got further on, as with some selected close friends. We still haven't made it common knowledge and even some of our friends don't know yet.I am waiting for my anomaly scan on Tuesday and I'm so nervous. Dh is working abroad too!
I declined aspirin as everything came back clear. they offered it but said i had carried full term, the chromosome issue was just nature. I just took pregnacare conception and dh took the men's one, we conceived after 6 months from taking that, but who knows if it really helped or not.

Keep in touch, I will be overjoyed to see your bfp and you will be an inspiration to many when you do, because you didn't give up. Xx
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Hi angelD :wave: welcome to the forum. I am so sorry to hear about your losses and what you've been through, your story made me cry. Wow, what a strong woman you are :hug: I have had 2 mcs which were devastating, but nothing compared with what you have endured. I know what you mean about being apprehensive and your past experiences taking away the enjoyment of being pregnant - I will be terrified when I get pregnant again that it won't be viable :-(
I hope it's not long before you get your BFP and everything goes smoothly - I will be keeping an eye out for you. Sending you lots of love, hugs and baby dust :hug: :hug: xxxxx
Hi angelD :wave: welcome to the forum. I am so sorry to hear about your losses and what you've been through, your story made me cry. Wow, what a strong woman you are :hug: I have had 2 mcs which were devastating, but nothing compared with what you have endured. I know what you mean about being apprehensive and your past experiences taking away the enjoyment of being pregnant - I will be terrified when I get pregnant again that it won't be viable :-(
I hope it's not long before you get your BFP and everything goes smoothly - I will be keeping an eye out for you. Sending you lots of love, hugs and baby dust :hug: :hug: xxxxx

Thank you for your kind words, its nice to know that im not alone, friends and family can offer support and say they understand but no one can unless they have been there themselves. I hope everything works out for you and ill be keeping my eye out for how your doing and any news xxxxx
Thank you angelD - this forum is fantastic, everyone is so supportive :) i think i would have gone crazy if I didnt have all my lovely friends here to talk to. They have seen me through tough times, and I hope I am able to return that love and support to people when I can. You're right, friends and family can be supportive but unless you've been through a loss yourself you never really understand how heartbreaking it is. :hug: :hug: xxxxx
Really sorry to hear what an awful time you've had. I'm sure the forum will be a great form of support to you through your ttc journey, pregnancy and beyond.
The girls here are lovely and many of us have sadly experienced miscarriage and others still birth so you aren't alone here xxx
Hi and welcome to the forum!
You'll find loads of ladies here ttc like maniacs and we discuss and obsess over EVERYTHING :lol:

I'm so sorry to hear of your losses. I delivered my little girl who was stillborn at 36 weeks in November and had a chemical pregnancy in December. The wait is awful to find out if there's problems. I'm still waiting for the post mortem results.

I'm sure you'll find loads of support on the forum. I've been here 3 years and it truly is a wonderful place with wonderful ladies. I hope you get a sticky bfp soon xxx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and ttc baby number 4 <3
Really sorry to hear what an awful time you've had. I'm sure the forum will be a great form of support to you through your ttc journey, pregnancy and beyond.
The girls here are lovely and many of us have sadly experienced miscarriage and others still birth so you aren't alone here xxx

:thanks::) everyone seems so lovely and even when people are going through hardships themselves they still offer words of comfort and kindness, its so nice to have that. Im glad I found this forum and ill be here for a long time to come xxxxx
Hi SimoneI think we would have delivered our little ones at the same hospital.
I remember reading about your sad news when I was a guest on the forum, they also put a butterfly on my door too, which I thought was a lovely idea.
Hi and welcome to the forum!
You'll find loads of ladies here ttc like maniacs and we discuss and obsess over EVERYTHING :lol:

I'm so sorry to hear of your losses. I delivered my little girl who was stillborn at 36 weeks in November and had a chemical pregnancy in December. The wait is awful to find out if there's problems. I'm still waiting for the post mortem results.

I'm sure you'll find loads of support on the forum. I've been here 3 years and it truly is a wonderful place with wonderful ladies. I hope you get a sticky bfp soon xxx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and ttc baby number 4 <3

awww, thats so sad, Im sorry you went through that. what is a chemcal pregnancy? iv seen a few of the ladies mention that on here, but im not sure what it is....... there are a lot of lovely people on here and im glad i found it :) xxx

good luck and :dust:to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi SimoneI think we would have delivered our little ones at the same hospital.
I remember reading about your sad news when I was a guest on the forum, they also put a butterfly on my door too, which I thought was a lovely idea.

Was it wishaw general ward 24 by any chance? Xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and ttc baby number 4 <3
Hi and welcome to the forum!
You'll find loads of ladies here ttc like maniacs and we discuss and obsess over EVERYTHING :lol:

I'm so sorry to hear of your losses. I delivered my little girl who was stillborn at 36 weeks in November and had a chemical pregnancy in December. The wait is awful to find out if there's problems. I'm still waiting for the post mortem results.

I'm sure you'll find loads of support on the forum. I've been here 3 years and it truly is a wonderful place with wonderful ladies. I hope you get a sticky bfp soon xxx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and ttc baby number 4 <3

awww, thats so sad, Im sorry you went through that. what is a chemcal pregnancy? iv seen a few of the ladies mention that on here, but im not sure what it is....... there are a lot of lovely people on here and im glad i found it :) xxx

good luck and :dust:to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Basically I had light positives on tests then got my period as normal. Think its when the egg doesn't implant properly xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and ttc baby number 4 <3
It was wishaw yeah. Although it was a horrific experience, the staff were all amazing and have been really looking after me well through this pregnancy.
It was wishaw yeah. Although it was a horrific experience, the staff were all amazing and have been really looking after me well through this pregnancy.

Do you mind if I pm you about a couple of things?xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and ttc baby number 4 <3
That's fine of course you can.To be honest I kept meaning to pm you but thought it might have come to out of the blue for you xx
hi hun, iv not had exactly the same but i had two previous pregnancys which at the first scan was told baby had anacephaly, also a non compatible with life condition, the first time they told me it was one of those things and the second they said it wouldnt happen again, it did, we too had much genetic testing adn everythign came back normal im now on my 3rd pregnancy and the scan showed so far all is well (currently 13 weeks) i am being consultant led and they are being extra kind and thoughtful towards me. i know it feels devastating to make the choice to "end" the pregnancy and i know how it feels to be told next time will be ok dont stress it will make thigns worse! how canyou not stres?! anyway im so far doing well this time and i pray this is 3rd time lucky all the way through. i just wanted to say there is hope be strong and take care of yourself miracles happen xxxx

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