My stepdaughter is PG


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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We've known for a few weeks now.
She's only 17 and living in a hostel (long story) so not really an ideal time for her to be PG. She was on the pill so don't know whether she is just one of thoses peeps who get caught on the pill or shes not been taking it proper (prob the latter knowing her).
I worked out for her today that shes about 9wks gone.
Her fella is sticking by her. Just hope it all works out well. I think she'll be a good mum though, she had enough practice looking aftr her younger siblings while her mum was busy getting off her face on drugs :x (her younger siblings aren't Robs)
Poor girl having to look after her younger siblings while her mam was on drugs!! :hug:
Hey and she'll have you to help her so Im sure she'll be fine!
Are you ok with it all?
Well not estatic but it's happened and just have to deal with it I guess.
She lived with us from the age of 8 till 3yrs ago when she went off the rails and kept running away. She ended up living with her nan(mum's mum) but just caused loads of trouble there too. She just kept running from one place to another till she was 16 and stayed with one her friends and got with her brother. He's 34 and she seems to have settled down a bit now. She's in a hostel and seems to be doing well now.
We live in Wigan and she's in Bolton were her mum & the most of her family are so we don't see her that much maybe once a week or so but she nows we're always here for her if she needs us.
I think it's true to say no-one knows how they'll be when they become a parent, as its not something you can prepare for. I know when my brother had his son it was a hold your breath moment, as we worried how things would go. He's been an amazing father and I am so proud of him, and I realy hope your stepdaughter amazes and makes you all proud of her too, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:

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