My Cheri22 reading..


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
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It only took a week - most impressed! Here it is:

Thank you for being patinet wiht me while I got back to you reading. They are showing me a GIRL and relating her to JUNE so this is either birth month, concieve month or the month you find otu inl. They are linking me more so to the begining of the month like the 4-8th so not sure if you can look ahead and see if this would be connected to either ovulation or testing time?

When ti coems to your daughter would tell you that i see her as someone who is mature for her age, someone who you would find to be a good listener, shes not one to talk back and would conisder her not rude at all. She does ahve a bit of a stubborn perosnality though when it comes to her younger brother and at times is known to pick on him a bit.. more like teasing him. They will get along for the most part, but I think that it smore about her wanting to follow her and do what she wants! lol

shes someone who I woudl say is very charismatic, people enjoy the attitude she brings. Shes not being mean, or hurtful, but is someone who is blunt and straight to the point. Shes got her own ideas, and usually pretty set on following through with them. She might agree on occasion to changes bieng made or doing it the way of someone else, but finds it hard to just accept the change happening. Ifs shes warned ahead of time that something is about to be re-arranged then she can adjust, otherwise she really loves to follow a routine and has a better time of it.

She loves anything to do wtih kites, loves cats of all kinds (especially ones with orange!) and shes very fond of reading. They show her prefering to read more nancy drew type books or ones wiht happy endings.

When ti comes to career paths, they show your daughter working in a hospital type setting, and dealing with more of the paitents in pallative care

When ti comes to marriage they show her closer to 24, they will have one girl and one boy of their own.

let me know if you have any questions

It's funny... I cant relate to the date with OV or testing, so I'm guessing june would be birth month. The similarities with my Mum are quite crazy actually. My mum's birthday is smack bang in the middle of the dates she said, works in a hospital, and personality wise the similarites are quite.... weird.

But she said "younger brother" 2 children! :cheer: lol... i was so frightened she was gonna say none!!
we shall see!


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