My sister is giving up :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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Hiya I don't really talk about this too much but my sister has been ttc for the last well 8 years I think it must be now. She's had numerous tests to find out what the problem is but basically hasn't been told much as to why there is a problem. She had 3 goes at IUI on the NHS but gave up after two goes because she couldn't handle the heartache. She's constantly testing all the time just incase but never has any signs of it ever happening. She's desperate for a baby but over the last year she has told me she has given up. A year ago she moved to Gibraltar which she loves but she's so depressed still because of how desperate she is to be a mum. She now says she has given up completely but she has been put on metformin by her gp in Gib. She was on this before and she said it made her feel really ill and crap. My question is has anyone used metformin before and what does is actually do? The hospitals here don't seem to have told her an awful lot about her problem so I think she's confused all the time as to whether she will ever be able to concieve. So at the moment she still has hope but she's completely heartbroken all the time and I don't really know what to say to her. I can't imagine what it's like for her at all because I have a child and I'll never be able to understand but I want to be there for her. Sorry I'm getting upset now as well. I just thought some of you maybe able to give me some advice on how to be with her? Sorry if I am upsetting anyone I just don't know what to do.
Hi Strangeness :hug:

How kind of you to be so thoughtful about what your sister is going through. :hug:

I wonder if it's worth you and/or your sister getting in touch with MTL (More to Life). I've copied some info that I found on

More to Life
More to Life is a national network, which is part of I N UK and is dedicated solely to providing a support service to couples who, involuntarily, will remain childless. The vision of MTL is that people who have a life without children, whether they have had unsuccessful treatment or have never had treatment, should not feel isolated and alone. We recognise that individuals and couples have a need to grieve, and we offer them the support to help them to do so and to adjust to this new time in their lives.

More to Life has a lending library of useful books, factsheets and a regular newsletter. There is a network of members throughout the UK, some who link up in person or over the telephone offering mutual support.

More information and details of membership of More to Life can be sought by contacting our head office on 08701 188088

It also might be worth her joining the infertility network (think it was around £20 for the year). They have quite a good forum on there which can be highly emotional but at least she'll find out that she's not alone and maybe get some good advice from people going through the same thing.

I also think Resolve is quite good for advice for people and families and their emotions, though they are American based. Try this for starters... ... ainf_jffaf

Hope that helps and your sister is able to come to terms with her grief. :hug:



You are sucha nice sister . I really hope she can conceive soon must be so difficult makes me feel stupid whinning as shes been trying 8 years :(
:hug: to her and wish her all the luck

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