My sis in law has just......


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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.....rang me to tell me shes pregnant and due on Christmas Day!

Im over the moon for her of course...shes just had a little girl in November Ruby who I love to bits....and my SIL is the only inlaw I told about MC so she was really upset telling me....Ahhhhh no need tho Im really over the moon for them and excited that theres going to be a new baby again!

But..........I did come off the phone and feel a tad sad.....not for their lovely news, but just coz we would have been pregnant together and both had our christmas babies..... never know whats around the corner for us so onwards and upwards!! xxx
You never no you could get pregnant soon and be pregnant together! Good luck hun and glad youve taken the news well. x
It understandable that you would feel a little upset as well as happy for her.

It will be your turn before you know it and you might still be pg together, just not due at the same time.
Thanks ladies....yeah you never know we may be trading baby stuff at some point lol!! Yeah I love her to bits shes just so lovely as a SIL and I am so happy for her but bless her she was scared to tell me as not even my brother knows I MC....but Im all excited now coz think either way another new baby is on the
hi wilma, i know what you mean. i was gonna name my baby ruby if it was girl, and everywhere i go just now i see the name. in fact the day i went in with ectopic i was waiting in the waiting room and asked for a sign to tell me all was gonna be ok, then looked over to the kids toys and there was a book with 'ruby' written on it in huge writing...its weird, i just have a feeling i will get my ruby eventually. hope u get ur wee one too, i am sure u will. xx
Ah lovely Name Kaz.....but yeah I know what you mean nomatter where you are or look theres constant reminders isnt there....and yeah Im sure we will both get our little ones you doing? xx
Hi hon, news like that is hard but lovely that you have it in you to be pleased for her. Fingers crossed for you getting a BFP and you guys being bump buddies xxxx
Awww thanks Karen that would be lovely wouldnt it lol!! Yeah shes lovely and there really is nothing tonot like about her Im so lucky shes my SIL...cant wait lol xxx
i am doin ok, there is always gonna be reminders i suppose but i firmly believe that the wee soul comes back to us, when the time is right..everything happens for a reason and theres nothin we can do to change it so just need to keep looking forwards eh. xxx
Absolutely agree....I know at the time I was devastated and still am in my own way but like you I know that nothing I could have done would ahve changed things and it was meant to be....somewhere somehow we will have our bump!!! lol xxx
this thread just got me thinking of something hope you dont mind me posting this here but when i was pregnant with my son i joined a irish forum and 1 lady had trouble concieving and with m/c and her husband made up a story about the airport in the sky and its a lovely story and im sure she wont mind me sharing it with you has she knows it helps alot of people struggling
let me know if you want me to post it i dont want to post it just incase it upsets people but its a beautiful story
Its great you can feel like this wilma, and theres still time for you to be pregnant together. Plus you get to be the cool auntie!!!! :)
Sorry to hear you were feeling a bit upset earlier. :hug: I know what you mean as I was like this also when I mc, alot of people i knew was all having kids around the same time. I didnt tell many people as I was trying to deal with it my own way. Probably the wrong thing to do. There were lots of times when I was so happy for all my friends but there was also days when I felt emotionally drained.

I'm glad you have such a close relationship with your sil and that you will be an aunty again :p and i'll have my fingers crossed for you that you will get another bfp real soon.
All the best hun x
Your baby will get loads of free clothes past on to them, and a slightly bigger playmate,
I have everything crossed for you this month for your Januoary 2011 BFP, but if not then a few mobnths makes no difference at all, and they could be in the same school year and I feel some coffee mornings going on in the future between you too X
Ah thanks girls all your positive replies have made me feel not so down about MC and more excited about my new niece or nephew..... I know Im now SS like crazy as testing day is pending pr af will arrive and yeah Jj your right...if not this month then soon I hope.....

Midnight I would love for you to post her story....anything to make us feel a little brighter is always welcome....hope nobody else minds me asking for it to be posted?

Thanks again you lot your all so
Perhaps it can be posted in the MC and loss section as there may be girls in there that might benifit at the moment too and may not venture into the TTC room at all, yet we would see it there too - just an idea.
Good idea JJ....know what you mean about some people not being quite ready to head back here

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