My scan's on Friday!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
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The title says it all AND we are still undecided whether to find out the sex of the baby or not......... :rotfl:

I don't know what to do, i want to know but i want a suprise as well..... :wall:
awww hunni, let ross find out what hes having :hug: we can go baby shopping together :cheer:
You might not get the chance to see what sex if the baby is lying funny or being a bit camera shy! Mine was curled up in a ball at my 20 week scan so even if we wanted to know what it was, we wouldn't have been able to.
Kylie i am hoping that WILL happen, then i dont have the temptation..... or that baby is awkward or shy or the lady wont tell us.
kellysomer said:
Kylie i am hoping that WILL happen, then i dont have the temptation..... or that baby is awkward or shy or the lady wont tell us.

I know at our hospital you have to fill out a form from the reception and take that in rather than the sonographer just telling you.
That sounds like a good idea but our hospital just tells you if they are pretty sure and you ask.

I am tempted to get OH to go in first and tell them not to tell me even if i beg!!
i had to know but OHas not happy about it!!

but i was up the hospital the other day and the midwives were telling me not to take too much notice as they have had quite a few surprise sex changes recently!!

I have a 4d scan next week so will be double checking as i have everything in pink!!

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