My scan!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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So sorry for not posting sooner, i had to go straight to work, boo!!

Scan was AMAZING!
We got there and the lady came and I had to feel out a form about myself lol and then they took me to the room. She explained they were going to scan first to see if baby was ok and if they would be able to do the measurements required.
So i hoped on the bed and she popped the probe on my belly and up popped LO on the screen so sweet, it was asleep and lying on its side facing away she poked and poked to wake it up but it was not having any of it, so she did some general measurements first, baby now measures 4.6cm and so I have been put back to 11W3D but not bothered really, now due New years eve! day before OH's birthday! then baby woke up and started wriggling around looked like it was swimming or dancing lol. She pointed out the stomach, bladder,ribs, heart of course, spine, eyes, mouth, nose, arms and legs was unbelievable! baby still wouldnt get in the right position and i was thinking i would have to come back another day but finally it turned and settled long enough for her to take the measurements at the nuchal fold which were 0.84mm so normal!
She then did a trace of baby's heart and we heart it racing away at 168bpm sounded like a horse galloping down the road!!
We were all laughing at baby flipping around was amazing.
Then she did my blood, and i have to wait 2 days for final results.
I am so happy i could burst! We got 7 pictures and i love them all, but these are the best i think, the first one just cute and 2nd we reckoned it was wearing a mining helmet! ha! too early to see nub tho i think but hopefully get a good nub picture at nhs scan on monday :)

Oh thats amazing..... The scan pics are wonderful :) xx
Awwww lau they are lovely pictures - so pleased for you after so many lossess x x
Can't believe it's 11w3 already time flying by x x :D :yay:
Pretty baby!!!! Congrats to both of you!
Great news, hopefully you'll be able to relax a bit now and enjoy being pregnant x
Ah thanks everyone! I would highly recommend a private scan somewhere in ur pregnancy cos they take so much time going thru it all with u it is just so special x
Great news hun and fab pics!! So pleased for you!! Xx
Lovely and gorgeous pics. Great about the nuchal measurement too. Can't wait for mine now.
What lovely pics, so glad it went well. I would love to have a private scan done, I suppose if I save the money then OH can't moan too much about it!! I can't wakeful I have a scan dat set, getting so impatient now after seeing all this lovely scan pics xx
I'm glad everything went well! lovely pics! x
so pleased it all went well fab pics hun xxxxx

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