Bad scan experience:-(


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2010
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We arrived a little late for the scan (couldn't be helped and it was less than 30 minutes and no one else was waiting) and they said they could squeeze us in. So I went in and she told us that she needed us to be quiet as she needed to concentrate and explained that today she would date it and try to do the measurements for downs. She then said what will you do if it has a high risk of downs. We said we'd talk about it. To that she said well you needed to have made the decision by today and it's clear that the midwife is not councilling you properly! Nice start!
Then she started doing the scan. She started straight away by saying my bladder wasnt full enough, but id drank loads but it was just all in my belly. I felt like a naughty kid who was nothing but a pain for her. She was pressing the thing so hard into me that it hurt (and in fact i had pains for the rest of the day)Then she continued But I couldn't see anything as there was only one screen and she barely spoke. She told me the baby was there and that there was a heart beat. Then after five minutes she turned the screen for me to see the baby and it was amazing but she only kept it there for a really short period of time (less than minute). Then said shed taken a photo and did we want one. I asked a couple of questions and she just said she couldn't answer them as she just does the scans.
Finally she said she was unable to do the downs measurement because the baby was in the wrong position.
I'd spent 8 weeks worrying and getting really excited about my first scan, the first time I'd see my baby and that was it. I got in the car to go home and cried. It's made me not want to go for another one as I don't want to be told off again and I kinda feel like what's the point!
Is this normal? Am I being over sensitive? All of my friends have said there scans were lovely and that they had a second screen that they watched everything on and that it shouldn't have hurt. One friend who's bladder was also not full was told to go for a walk and have a drink.
I'm really disappointed.
Sorry it's such a long one.
a photo did we want one. And that was it!
Oh poor you, sounds like you drew the short straw! Don't let it put you off, talk to your midwife about it when you se her. My first scan was done my a sonographer BUT second was done my a midwife so you will probably get someone totally different and you dont need a full bladder for 20 week scan!
Sorry u had such a bad experience...I'd b tempted to complain.
As for havin to make a decision about the downs that day,as far as I know that's rubbish cos the nuchal fold measurement needs combining with bloods rests to gather a risk factor.

Glad bubs was ok xxx
Oh hun, what a shame, well If you really want to get the Nuchal fold and blood test done, I would push it with your midwife, quite quickly due to dates, and get them to rescan, ask for another scan lady too.

The other alternative is to get a private one, but you shouldn't have to ,

Please upload the piccy tho, as we would all love to see the baby!
ahh honey that sucks a bit! maybe it was because you were late? and they didnt have time to send you for a walk? my scan took just shot of 1 hour, as they sent me out a few times, wanted me to walk around, shake and do wierd things to get baby move. sorry to say it, i guess that time around you were unlucky and your 20 week will be amazing. xx
i have to agree with flexilexi she was prob miffed you were late as she wouldnt have had time to do as much and get baby moving so was rushing thru it although im sorry u had bad experience x not all ultrasound rooms have 2 screens my first 2 scans i didnt see more than a flash of the screen it was only at the 20wk scan that they had the 2 screens and first time it wasnt working anyways at least you know all ok and heartbeating and baby wriggling well x
My first scan with my daughter was a similiar experience to yours and I wasn't late for my scan - think they were just rushing through. There was no second screen and we literally saw the baby for like 10 seconds! It all felt so rushed. This time was much different - there was a second big screen on the wall in front of us like a big LCD TV and it was amazing to see our LO wriggling around. The baby wasn't in a great position to she really tried different things to get the baby to move so she could get all the measurements - was a much more enjoyable experience.
personally id have got her details and reported her and asked that when you have your next scan that you do not have her.
its suppose to be a nice experience. mine was fun as anything.
i hope the next one leaves u with a smile on ur face hunny
Mr fist scan was great and ut my second scan wasn't as good even though it was the same lady. I think the second time she was quite frustrated because baby wouldn't sit still at all for the NT scan and she couldn't get some pics.
Things is I think they forget it's just as frustrating for you because all you want to know is if they are OK and to see them. :(
Thanks ladies I'm glad it's not just me feeling hormonal. I was given a second scan in a different hospital and it was sooooo much better. They had two screens, it was done by a midwife who talked me through everything she was doing, we were in there for nearly 45 minutes. Even the gel was warm at this hospital! I saw the baby move loads and when she started the baby was facing the camera so I got a good look at it's little face. She moved it all over and I saw it's spine, heart both hands and the adorable feet (with all toes). It was amazing.
So glad you managed to get a second scan - I can't imagine how fustrated I'd feel if I had a crappy sonographer doing the scan.

Good to hear that the baby is ok too. xxxx

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