my scan is tomorrow!

whoopsey :lol: Can you not just put your SD card into your laptop? xx
its the tiny memory card in your phone. You might need a converter to put it in the computer tho, i do xx
theres no card in the slot. I hate technology. I think Im going to tesco. I really fancy some tinned salmon with cucumber on crackers. mmmm. Hope this isnt my craving, Im gonna stink all pregnancy! Once Ive eaten Ill come on and try again!
Hooray :yay; thats brilliant! Well done! Cant wait to see the pics! xx
Im back! The baby is just perfect, he/she wouldnt stop kicking and wriggling around for the sonographer to measure! It was so amazing to see the baby moving around, and the little heart beating away. We both had tears :)

I had sugar in my urine again and I deliberately only had plain wholemeal toast and water this morning so Im having a glucose tolerance test next friday. They were happy to leave me on midwifery lead care at the moment even though my BMI has managed to shoot up just over 30! it was 27 last time I checked (before I was pregnant) So Ive been invited to a free slimming world class for pregnant women. Gonna go cos its free but if its rubbish im not bothering!!
Hi, so pleased things went well for you - great to finally see bubba. My bmi was 30 too and they are sending me to some form of healthy eating class - well i think there is 2. They told me if i didn't go i would have to see a consultant - oooohhhhh scary - looks like i'll have to do them boring or not hehe
ahh have you been to the classes yet? I hope they're not boring. To be honest, I do eat quite healthy anyway. We dont get takeaways a lot, maybe once a month or less. and mostly eat meat n veg for dinner. I used to make my own soups for work. I had a weakness for chocolate and wine before I was pregnant but now Ive lost my sweet tooth and cant drink! We already buy wholegrain bread and skimmed milk. I dunno what a class is gonna do for me that Im not already doing myself. Ah well.
:dance::dance: Really happy for you me dear, glad all is well an take good care of yourself :D wonderful news x
geaaaahhhhh!!!!! I've now downloaded a programme which has resized the file to an acceptable size but now everytime I try and upload it, its says 'upload failed'. Im gonna cry over this!!!
I'm so pleased for you and your OH that you finally got to see your little one. Its the best thing isn't it.
All the best with the rest of your pregnancy and your *fishy* cravings :lol:

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