my scan is tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Im so excited, I feel like a kid at christmas. One of my friends suggested we all booked a group holiday in the summer. My friend who knows and me were like er.... just wait a bit. And she didnt get it, saying there are better deals now and if we leave it too late people wont all be available at the same time. So my friend said, I dont think Ill be available.

Other friend was like :eh: we havent set a date yet. And I started giggling and said I wont be available either, all summer.

She is totally confused and thinks we're up to something! lol! I told her Id tell her on friday. Quite enjoying having a secret now cos its so funny how wound up she is with it! She just cant work it out!

She put on facebook...what are those 2 up to?? And our other friends are on my case now! Luckily they think its something to do with my friend not me.

Im bursting to get home from my scan and tell everyone!:lol:
aww you'll have fun but ull be to happy to explain when you had your scan you'll have to hand over the pic :D lol hope everything goes well for you tmos im excited for ya an my scan date isnt until 2 weeks grr lol so all the best with you an keep us updated an get a pic hehe x
Oh Im so excited for you, you are going to love it - its so special; enjoy every second! xx
Aww I am excited for you! If I was you, I wouldnt just come home and tell them, I would have to play a bit of a game with is- I am a total wind up like that! lol. I would make like a plane ticket with destination: maternity ward or something and give it to them all to open! hehehehe xx
Good luck! Its a great feeling to see bub and the little heartbeat. Make sure to tell us how it went tommorrow. Will look out for your post. xxx
Wow, scan time already!! Time is flying by!! Good luck and enjoy chick xx
Im so nervous Ive been ready for an hour already. Done the washing up and cleaned the kitchen this morning. Ive also found time to cry about the earthquake victims on the news. So sad!

Trying to get OH to get up this morning was a job, he thinks we dont need to leave 40 mins early when the hospital is 5 mins away but Ive won, he's getting dressed quickly and we're leaving in 5 mins :)
Oh I've missed you then Tiny! :hug: Was popping on to see if you were around so hope the scan went well :hug: :yay: :dust:
Im back! The baby is just perfect, he/she wouldnt stop kicking and wriggling around for the sonographer to measure! It was so amazing to see the baby moving around, and the little heart beating away. We both had tears :)

I had sugar in my urine again and I deliberately only had plain wholemeal toast and water this morning so Im having a glucose tolerance test next friday. They were happy to leave me on midwifery lead care at the moment even though my BMI has managed to shoot up just over 30! it was 27 last time I checked (before I was pregnant) So Ive been invited to a free slimming world class for pregnant women. Gonna go cos its free but if its rubbish im not bothering!!
Aww, that is fabulous news, so glad to hear everything's ok with your tiny one! I wanna go to Slimming World class! :lol: x
:yay: Congratulations tiny, im so happy for you and your OH. so glad everything went fine and the baby is doing ok. :)
Congratulations! So Glad it went well for you and baby!
:yay: i'm glad all is well chick. We need scan pics!! xx
Thanks everyone! The scan pic is on my computer but the file is too large to upload, Im trying to resize it but its driving me mad!!
I get that problem all the time, i resize them on my phone lol xx
I had a nightmare getting it off the phone cos Ive left the wire at my parents house. I uploaded it to favebook by mobile then saved it to my laptop from there!! I thought I could out it on and select visable only to me on privacy but my friend phoned me and it just uploaded, by the time I got off the phone there facebook chat was going crazy as the photo was on my page with no explanation! Hope OH doesnt get annoyed!!

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