my poor friend


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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at work i am really friendly with this one lady, and she has just had a baby girl on boxing day!

all thro her pregnancy she had bleeding, low laying placenta, and SPD
so was not an easy pregnancy (this is her 4th bubs) so with all the problems she was having regular scans, had to stop work at 20 weeks, and was not allowed to stand for longer than an hour, she was due to have a C-section on the 5th of december one month early,but end of nov she got a new consultant who decided that she didnt need a section she could go naturally( remember the poor woman could hardley stand)
well on christmas day she went into labour and gave birth early hours of boxing day! to a lil girl weighing 5lb she had to go to SCBU as she was not breathing rite and she still wasnt at one week old so they did tests and sent them to ST ormand street (spl) and it came back on thursday that Holly has down syndrome and a whole in the heart, my friend is coping brilliantly im so proud of her but her stupid OH family are saying that want nothing to do to with Holly as she has Downs, she has an appointment on mon to see wot they are gonna do about her heart

holly is so gorg and very cuddly
fooking b*stards a downs syndrome baby is a true gift, i know that its devestating and hard but any child is a blessing i wud tell them exactly whereto go the nasty pieces of work, how dare they.
I glad your friend is coping hun well done to her and i hope that the beautifull little princess is ok, if she allows u too when you get pics can we see her?

thats awful of her family, your friend sounds like a real trooper, congrats on her lil girl:)
thats awful of her family to say that shes a baby like any other some people your friend is brilliant please give her a hug from me :D
aw bless her poor little love, and poor parents too, hope the can sort the heart problem.

as for her oh's family they should be utterly ashamed of themselves. to be honest they shuld say good riddance and if the family want nothing to do with Holly then they have nothing to do with the them all ( including the other children). how do you explain to the others that they can see the family but holly cant?

bless her not even two weeks old and already being treated as an outcast by her own bloody family! (sorry as you can tel this has really annoyed me!) they should be giving all their support to your friend and her oh not turning their backs on them when they need it most! (at least she has you hun!)

ok rant over - will be thinking of them and sending my love their way - keep us posted sarah

wen i saw them yest (wasnt going to as all they had been thro thought they would want family time etc) and she told me i was so angry i could of hit the roof seriously god help em if i ever meet them
That's bloody awful of the relatives :wall:

I didn't bother with my triple test because i would keep this baby Downs or not, thats disgusting.

Poor little mite :hug:
thats awful the poor girl,send her my love and hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: how can some people be so cruel
Oh thats horrible.
Congratultations to your friend,
How spiteful of the granparents though downs kids are some of the most loving people it will be hard but i'm sure they will get through everything.
Hopefully oh parents will realise what idiots they are!
thats just awful for your friend to have to be in a family with such ignorant people.

congratulations to your friend & all the best for her and her lovely holly.
:hug: :hug:

Hun i am so sorry , i really hope your friends baby is okay and give them hugs and my best wishes. I cannot beleve that a grandparent can be so cruel a child is a child no matter how they are its discusting to even say a thing lke that.
Have they even seen her ?
Sorry i aint been here for you the past few days hun been gone during the days .
i miss u sweetie i need our chats bck

the last time they saw the baby was before they found out she was downs :twisted: :twisted:
thats so sad i hate hearing stories like this it makes you realise how cruel people can be. i know it must be a shock for them to but thats an awful thing to say/do.
i wouldnt ever want a child with downs or any other disability but if i did you just have to get on with it.


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