well i dont know if anyone remembers but emma was diagnosed with cyclical neutropenia when she was disgarged from SCBU back in December, well all it means is that she has low immunity. since she was sischarged she has had the usually kiddie ailments eg colds. but for the past week she has had a particularly bad cold, and we have been told in the past by her consultant tha if she ever gets a temp over 38 to bring her staright to hospital, so i check her temp every day and on friday her temp went to 38 and then 38.1 so we took her in where she was admitted with a chest and throat infection, theyre not bad but because of her blood history they kept her in for a night, so me and rob stayed in with her. anyways she was dishgarged yesterday with antibiotics and told that her blood was fine and that we are to just keep an eye on her like weve been doing, so we havent had a good weekend
anyways sorry about the rant thought id let you all know and that she is ok and recovering
anyways sorry about the rant thought id let you all know and that she is ok and recovering