My ordeal today.........


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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What a bloody day i have had today, i feel shattered, i know i still wont sleep tonight still though :(

It all started with my midwife appointment at 2.30pm, she didnt have anything to say about my scare last night, blood pressure was ok (even though she said that she wants me in again next week to check). Tiny bit of protein in wee but other that that was ok.

Then it comes to measure me i am now showing at 40 weeks, and she said she thinks bubs is breech as heartbeat is way to high. So she phones the hospital where i am booked into give birth and they want to see me asap to scan again.

So off i trot to hospital which is 45 mins away at the moment because of bad roadworks and i have to go round them. The midwife there had a feel before she started and said he wasnt breech, she checked by listening to the heartbeat and it was low (like it should be) then she measured me and she measured me at 41 weeks :eek: but then she scans me and bubs is deffinately not breech and he is engaged so unlikely to move from that now. Also a doctor knocked on the door because he wanted to use the room, and the midwife got him to check as well lol.

The things i dont understand is....

1. The heartbeat was high when 1st midwife done it, (possibly picking up my heartbeat?) she didnt listen for long enough to count the bpm

2. How the hell i can grow another weeks worth in 45 mins lol

I dont believe this measuring lark i think its a load of twod. unless the same person measures you each and every time.

So thats been my fun filled afternoon, if she says anything next week about him being breech i am going to say no to a scan, its doing my head in.
Hiya hun!

Sounds like you have had a right old day of it! Glad everything is ok though and baby isnt breach!

Claire x
As far as im concened the babys position can change your size, ie if it is more curled up then you will measure smaller but if it is more stretched out you will be bigger :D
aww hun sounds like a crap day :(

i dont believe the measuring lark either, I think its very dependable on the way bubs is laying in there, also i think it could also be due to how much fluid you're possibly carry round the middle (dont quote me on that tho!) and do they ask you to pull you trousers down to accurates find the pubic bone...nooooooooo!! So its guess work, plus on me the tape measure has to come up and over my jeans and belt!? Height has alot to do with it too I think!

I lost a week overnight due to the measuring thing!

Like the 2nd midwife said if he's engaged, hopefully thats it and he'll stay put!

As for the first midwife...pppffft! she probably picked up your placenta ...its not unheard of for them to get it wrong!

hope you're ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
cheers hun it was a poo poo day all round, i feel like crap now i am sooooo tired but i know i wont be able to sleep yet again tonight :( i am feeling so sorry for myself its unreal.
aww sweetie, sorry to hear you had such a crappy day. Have lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: try a nice warm bath or shower before bed and a hot drink??
It may not help but may make you feel bit more relaxed.....ask for a massage from hubby too :wink:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have the water on warming up as we speak i am going to have it just before i go to bed then go straight in bed and see if that helps, will prob bring on labour lol :rotfl:
i agree with that measuring thing, i think it's a load of crap a lot of the time.
the midwife i saw today didn't measure me because 'you're only supposed to do it every three weeks.' what?! if i only got it done every three weeks i'd only have like 2 crosses on my graph thing. i think you do need to see the same midwife every week for it to be useful.
the midwife hasnt even been using the graph in my notes, if she did it would look funny, one week to big one week to small i cant win. :rotfl:

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