my nephew and their dog


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2007
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i've just got off the phone to my mum who is really upset.
shes been round to visit my nephew today, he doesnt live with my brother as him and his partner split up around 6 months ago.
my brothers ex has a staffie dog, the dog in general is quite friendly but over the past month or so, its snapped a couple of times and nipped my nephews fingers who is 2 and a half. my mum said when she went round today, my nephew has quite a deep scratch going from one side of his face to the other and had 3 scratches not quite as deep on his thigh all from the dog.

while my mum was there, the dog managed to get out of the front garden and attack a dog on a lead being walked down the road by one of the neighbours. she went out and tried to stop the dog fighting and had no luck, and the neighbour finally managed to get the dogs apart. he was really angry (as you'd expect) and my mum spoke to him, and it seems its happened a few times recently, and the neighbour said if it happens again they're going to get something done about it.

my mum asked carly if she thought it was safe with my nephew, and she said 'its not the dogs fault, he hits her and she just snaps back or scratches him back in return' the boy is 2 and half years of age!
carly clearly has no control over the dog and couldnt get it back in the house and stop it fighting with other dogs, so hows she going to manage if the thing really goes for my nephew?
my mum didnt say anything else about it as she knew what reaction she'd get, so she rang my brother and spoke to him, and he said he had a row with her about the dog a couple of weeks ago and wont speak about it with him anymore.

i feel really harsh but i think i'm going to ring up whoever it is that needs to be informed about the dog. i know the dog isnt really to blame and i know it hasnt actually bitten, but at what point are you meant to try and stop serious things happening?
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Something needs to be done. I'd act on it if i were you. You don't want your nephew getting more seriously hurt.
yep, i think you right. You need to phone someone. True, its not the dogs fault and for the dogs sake and especailly the wee boys sake the dog needs to be removed from that environment before the wee boy gets bitten and the dog gets put to sleep.

Dont doubt your instincts
dont feel bad
if both your brother and Mum and the neibour have seen what the dog has done and have tried to reason with her and she still will not listen
then something needs to be done now
i know it may feel disloyal and as if your questioning her pareting ability

but a nip from a dog defending himslef if frightend suddenly is one thing
but repeated occurances of your nephew being attacked by the dog is another.
it dose sound like she has no control over the dog

but your nephews safety comes first and is paramount
the fact the dog has shown some serous signs of aggression i fgeel its not safe to just leave it.

im a dog lover and i belive its not the animals fault but the owners
mabye if she tried to get both the dog and herself some dog training
it would improve matters
if a dog is handled and brought up wrong then they can turn nasty.

if she isnt going to see reason
then do not feel bad about reporting the situation

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aggression between dogs and dogs to humans are different things.

Has this dog actually bitten your nephew or just scratched him when scrabbling around (easily done when dogs become over excited). It sounds like the dog and child need some supervision when together - as should always be the case with young children who know no better and don't understand that dogs don't want to be pulled and rolled on constantly. I wouldn't trust even the most placid dog 100%. Claws are sharp and will cause harm to little people when dogs are playing and jumping around, through no fault or aggression on the dogs part. Is this dog getting the daily exercise it needs to get rid of all this pent up energy?

Tough one, not sure who would be able to help you. Your bro's ex needs to take responsibilty, if the dog is truely a danger to your newphew then it shouldn't even be in the house. If its just that the dog is bored, needs to be walked, trained and supervised when with your nephew then only she can be a responsible dog owner and make sure this happens.
the dog has nipped his hand on 2 occasions that my brother knows of, but neither time has drawn blood. if it was an adult the dog had done it to, i doubt much would have been said about it. thats why id feel bad ringing up and reporting it.

i completely agree that the dog just needs to be trained properly and more supervision is needed when they are together, which is all my brother asked for, and her reaction was to shout and tell him to mind his own business. which again, i can kind of understand her reaction (but dont agree with) as she'd see it as an insult rather than advice.

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