Gutted - oh doesnt want the dog


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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My oh admitted this morning he was happier without the dog and that the kids are missing out because we are spending so much time cleaning up after the dog.

Im devastated, I cant stop crying. She is a lot of work and yes, I am finding her a bit much but I thought my oh was warming to her. He wants me to speak to my dad and see what he thinks.

IM soooo upset and especially at the suggestion that I was neglecting the kids in favour of the dog. :cry: :cry:
Spoke to my dad. I was crying on the phone. How embarrasing. :oops:
My dad sayss he will have a wee word with my mum and they should be able to take her which would still allow us to see her.

Still crying though. Im having a hormonal day methinks :think:

Can someone please stop me crying.
Oh poor you :hug: it is hard work but it would be fab if you mum and dad would take it for you, so fingers crossed :hug:
I think theres two things you can do hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

1 invest a bit of time getting her trained so that she is easier (look at the dog whisperer for tips or ring a local dog trainer)?
Most dogs can be trained so this way you know youve tried your best :hug: :hug:

2nd give her to a family member like you say and that way shes still in the family so you can still see her. :hug: :hug: :hug:

It must be so upsetting sweetie as they become like family.
I dont know what to say to make you feel better, only that dogs adapt to new situations pretty quickly if right.

Hope this has helped in some way hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aw hun :-( i'd be gutted too if i were you, we've only had our pup 2 weeks but we love him to bits. Is it a pup you've got? Things do improve with patience xx
awww hun, I kinda know how you feel, when I moved in with lee i had to leave my staffy Btuch with my mam n dad as lee already had bob and hes a boxer so a right handful himself never mind with two dogs in the house! It gutted me and I cried for ages but when I go to my mam and dads at least i still get to see him, he was my baby boy and had had him for years b4 my mam and dad had to take him. I was so greatful that they did thou or he would have gone to strangers which would have been worse for me!!! To be honest I still get upset now when I have to leave him and miss him soo soo much its just not possible to have him with me and to be honest I dont think my mam and dad would give him back to me now cause they love having him around and he loves been with his Nanna and Granda bless him!!
aw hun Westies are very playful. Westie pups DO need a lot of attention - they are like babies and really do want all of your attention on them. IF OH comes around, make sure the pup has a lot of toys to play with to keep them entertained and you should find that that helps. Tell OH to remember that they are only pups for a very short amount of time and before long they will be happy amusing themselves. Hope you work it out :hug: :hug: :hug:

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