My little heartbreaker Max Ward

Just realised that our boys have the same middle name too :)
Just realised that our boys have the same middle name too :)

Ahhh Pippa, Ward is our surname, I'd never heard of Ward as a first name but it sounds cool. Max's full name is Maximus Donald Neville Ward. I'll be honest I'm not too keen on the middle names myself, but it's a family tradition on my hubbies side. Love his first name though x
Looks and sounds like you are doing amazing Tammy. Max is gorgeous!

I ended up co-sleeping loads with Jess in the beginning. She settled well into her cot after about 10 weeks, then at 12 weeks went in her own room! She's been poorly with a cold for the last week so we regressed back to co-sleeping, but tbh we both get more sleep that way. Have you mastered the cunning side boob bf trick? Tends to stop the zero sleep nights I found.

Glad you like the moby wrap. I'm still using mine for dog walking, its brilliant, and Jess is around 17lbs now the little fatty :)

Ah thanks Fliss :) I will message you back on fb, not sure how much you get to come on here xx
Ahh I see. Ward was my fellas granddads name but he never met him because he dies before OH was born. I just thought it was a cool short name that he wont get fed up of writing on forms!
Tammy those pictures are adorable you are looking really well. Love them xx
Hey lovely!!
So glad little Max is doing so well!!

Lianne x
Thanks ladies :)

My goodness I'm so rubbish at updating this aren't i! Having trouble keeping up with everything on PF other than managing the odd post here and there.

We're doing well! Max was 7 weeks old on Saturday and growing fast! It's only looking back at pics I notice how much he has grown. He was weighed at 11lb 9.5oz on Friday so feeding is going well. I'm exclusively breastfeeding and had no troubles there. I have tried expressing so that Don can do one feed in the evening but Max doesn't seem to like a bottle so far but will keep trying.

Max is eager to stand up, we can hold him under his arms and he presses his legs down really strong, I'm sure he'll be an early walker.

He's a lot more alert now, looks around a lot and we've had a few smiles (but not loads of them yet).

Had trouble getting him to settle asleep in his back in the early weeks and he's been in bed with me a lot, but the last 3 weeks or so I've managed to get him to settle for about 4 - 6 hours a night (in 2 chunks) in his basket. I have a cosy frog sleep bag cushion which he seems to settle well in.

He's had a bit of a stuffy nose the past few weeks but we have our 6 week postnatal check tomorrow so I'll mention it.

I'm ok but I'm having quite bad back pain now after recovering well from the section. My muscles either side of my back really ache and have had the odd spasms. Feels like there's no support in my abdominal muscles. Had a few extra heart beats (or missing beats, not sure which) too last few weeks. Will mention that to docs too. But otherwise doing great!

We've started baby massage class every Tuesday too with the ladies I did pregnancy yoga with. We've started having coffee mornings too and I'm hosting the next one at my house this week :)

I must post some piccies on here! Will sort some out x
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I've took so many photos it's hard to choose ones to upload!

Just to show how much he's grown...

Taken in the hospital...


Taken this weekend...

Hi Tammy :wave: only just discovered your journal!! Wow Max is absolutely adorable, such a gorgeous smile xxx
He's sooo gorgeous, but I don't need to tell you that do I?! :) xxx
He really is a heartbreaker Tammy, lovely pic. Hope you are doing ok. X
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Thanks ladies :) we're doing good apart from a bottle issue...

Trying to express a feed per day but initially Max wouldn't take to the Medela teat though so got some tommee tippee ones which he took to straight away. :) Fed him 2 or 3 bottles just fine but tonight I wanted to give him the bottle as I had a small glass of wine but he wasn't having any of it, he was trying to drink from it but kept gagging. :( :( Not sure what's happened as he took the first bottles fine... it's awful as he gets so frustrated. Had to give him boob in the end, didn't want to push it and upset him. Not sure what to do now, might try it again tomorrow and see xxx
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Oh he's so cute! I don't get over to these journals as often as I should but glad to see he's doing well, and perhaps the bottle thing was just hecause he fancied a bit of wine too ;) Hope you get on ok with it next time you try. I'll be wanting to introduce one or two bottles a day once we're in a breastfeeding routine as well so that hubby can do the odd night feed and also I can have a drink ;) Not sure how long I'll leave it before introducing the bottle though, guess it's a case of going on instinct. Xx
Aww thanks Lucy :) When you come to do it, it may be worth trying bottle a bit earlier than me as I think Max just got used to the breast after 6 weeks. I waited because I didn't want anything to interfere with the breastfeeding but other people don't seem to have had a problem doing it earlier. Wow just realised it's your due date tomorrow, will pop on over to your journal!

Thanks Kerry, nice to hear from you... I see you're in your tww. Loads of baby dust to you hun x

Well update from me...

Max had his jabs last week. Did not like that one bit, poor boy wailed and wee'd himself during jabs :( he was soon happy again though and was ok for a couple of hours... But all afternoon he was very upset and wouldn't let me put him down so he slept on me for a few hours. He's fine now but not looking forward to the next lot!

We've started a bedtime routine which seems to be working :) I put him to bed around 8pm (after a bath every other day) and sit with him till he goes to sleep. I've noticed now I can tell when he's tired and fighting sleep. He kind of shakes his head from side to side and a jerky way. Takes him 1/2 hour to an hour to go to sleep sometimes but once asleep he's just started to go until 1.30am so we're having progress. I'm just sitting with him now so I think I'll try and make this my time for updating my journal :)

I have downloaded the Wonder weeks app and he's supposed to be going through a leap although I haven't noticed anything significant yet, although he is smiling more and chatting a lot more. I've not noticed him realise he's got hands yet though which is supposed to happen apparently!

Here's another pic, I just love this pic, he's got such a cute expression on it...
Those bloomin jabs are the pits! Even having treated babies with horrible illnesses, I still struggled letting them do them to Jess! The third set for us was the hardest, but then everyone seems to have different time with them.

Sounds like you're doing an amazing job with the sleep side of things. We started routine for bed at 6 weeks, but Jess didn't seem to "get it" until about 3 months. Basically every time it feels like we are settling into a groove, it all changes again, and my god, I hate teething.
Hi Lovely , what a cutie he is, lovely pictures! How are you doing? Good luck with the bottles hope it was just a passing thing. 8.30 to 1.30 is a good long sleep to!
fab days ahead in the sunshine with baby and doggies and hubby!
x Daisy

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