My little girl had the hiccups!!

She hasn't had them again (despite me guzzling 2 cornetto's within 30mins to see if she'd get them again) lol.
But it really was the cutest feeling ever!
I felt oddly proud that my little girl knew how to hiccup LOL isn't that daft?!
I rang my mum and was like 'I have the smartest little baby ever! She can hiccup!' Lol. X

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Aww JayJay, this is exciting... its odd because when you tell everyone who isnt pregnant they give you that really look haha... But its a magical feeling..strange but magical...

Hope your lil princess is ok... xx
Aw thanks pinktink! Yeah I've told a few ppl and they're like 'how would u even know that?!' Lol.

Amylize - it felt like little hiccups in my belly. At first I thought it was tiny kicks - because her kicks are quite strong - and these were lighter, but then I noticed a rhythm to them, and then I realised they were hiccups lol. So cute! X

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