My legs


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2006
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I have been having agonising pains in my groin area, it actually makes walking painful quite often. I nearly tumbled down the stairs the other day because my leg went funny as I was walking down.

It's not cramp as I also get cramps, and had that with my last pregnancy.

Is this normal? I didn't have it last time...
Sounds like it could be a trapped nerve but I'd go see your midwife or doc as soon as possible just to make sure.
I just googled it and it has all the symptoms of my pelvis joints softening too much, and aparently it causes a wide gap and causes sever pain when walking. It sounds like the exact same places, and mentions a clicky noise I have been experiencing.

I will mention it to the midwife next week.
It sounds like what I had with my daughter, symphis pubis dysfunction (google SPD). Its rather a painful condition that gets progressively worse through your pregnancy but thankfully usually disappears after baby is born... I never got clicky noises in my groin...but walking in general, up and down stairs, in and out of cars/baths/beds was like pure agony near the end.

Theres not much they can do for you unfortunately...just taking it easy, trying to be as careful as pos when walking and trying not to do so much. You'll find paracetamol doesn't really do very much but you might be able to get a belly belt support. :( :hug: :hug: :hug:

I still had a normal birth though, and an epidural but you do need to mention it to your MW so that they are aware of the situation when you go into labour.
Squiglet said:
It sounds like what I had with my daughter, symphis pubis dysfunction (google SPD). Its rather a painful condition that gets progressively worse through your pregnancy but thankfully usually disappears after baby is born... I never got clicky noises in my groin...but walking in general, up and down stairs, in and out of cars/baths/beds was like pure agony near the end.

Theres not much they can do for you unfortunately...just taking it easy, trying to be as careful as pos when walking and trying not to do so much. You'll find paracetamol doesn't really do very much but you might be able to get a belly belt support. :( :hug: :hug: :hug:

I still had a normal birth though, and an epidural but you do need to mention it to your MW so that they are aware of the situation when you go into labour.

Thanks hun :hug: Thats what I thought when I googled it a min ago, the symptoms sound exactly the same.

My sons school is about 5 minutes away and it hurts just walking up there!!! So really other than take it easy there is not a lot I can do?

I shall mention it to her next week at my appointment.
CalamityGem said:
Frangelle, there's a post about SPD in the Ask A Mum section... didn't read through it but may be some info in there too which can help.

Gemma x.

Thanks Gemma, will take a look now xxx

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