:( My grandad is in intensive care back in the UK


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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My brother Mark called me last night to tell me that my Grandad had been rushed into hospital. He didn't have any real details (when do men ever). So after some frantic calling around people back home i find out that Grandad is in ICU. He collapsed walking along the beach at my grandparents caravan. Some people had tried to bring him round but failed so they called for an ambulance. He needed to be resuscitated on the beach.

He hasn't regained consciousness yet and they have no idea what caused this to happen yet either. I called the hospital this morning and there was no change :(

My grandad doesnt get ill, he is 76 but he still acts like a 21 year old most the time. He builds kits cars, puts engines onto bicycles and flys light aircraft. He doesn't just collapse. I'm really scared, I'm over here in Hungary and he is back home in England. I cant get to him because i cant fly without doctors permission now.

I am his first grandchild, we have always had a special bond that the others didn't share, i feel like I'm letting him down by not being with him.

Can you please keep him in your thoughts please.
Oh no!
I really hope he gets better soon, my fingers are crossed.
Thats such a shame :(, cant you go to a walk in clinic or hospital or something and get permission? in fact some airlines fly you without permission till 34 weeks you just need to take notes to prove it.

I hope he gets better huni il keep him in my thoughts xxxx
awww hun im sure he knows u r worried sick about him so dont feel guilty
i hope he gets better soon hun he sounds really fun
both you and your Grandad are in my thoughts hun :hug:
I hope your grandad gets better soon hon and am thinking of you both :hug:
Sorry to hear about ur grandad hope he gets better real soon hun
Thinking of you all and sending get well wishes to your grandad :hug:
Grandad has an infection in his blood that was effected his kidneys. It made his body go into shock and that's why he collapsed.

The hospital have him on meds and he is responding to them so it looks like good news. He is still out of it in ICU and will be for a while but at least we have fairly hopefully news now!
thats good news :) at least now you know he is likely to get better. I hate it when my nan gets rushed into hospital, its just a waiting game, i know how you feel huni. Hope he gets well soon

cas xxxxx
I am so sorry hun! I am thinking of you both and really wish him a full & speedy recovery babe, the news certainly is positive!! :hug: xx

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