Is my son the most unluckiest boy in the world?


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
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Well where do I start

My youngest son Callum is 4 years old and has so far been to the hospital at least once a year.

When he was 6 months he was admitted to hospital because HV didn't think he was growing well enough after a week they let him come home nothing found wrong.

at 18 months he was admitted to hospital again and very nearly died.

We move to hampshire when he was 2 a few months later he decided to do a rolly polly on the futon and bashed his eye on the wooden arm neil was away so had to take him and his brother round to a friends to get them to take us to the drs (luckily just needed steri stripping).

then about summer last year his brother (ethan 5) got a tin of meatballs out of the cupboard and threw it across the room and it hit Callum on the head made an awlful gash about 2cm long went to the hospital and had it glued.

then only a few months ago I'd put the boys to bed and was having a soak in the bath when I heard a big bang and callum started crying, went in and cuddled him then saw blood dripping from the back of his head, him and his brother had been messing about and callum had fell off the bunkbed ladder and landed on the foot of him spiderman!!! another trip to the hospital to be glued again.

And now today we'd just got back from shopping I opened the car door and was about to hold callums hand to help him out and he fell straight out the car ( a Renault Scenic so not a low car either) door and landed on the side of his head, it started to bleed quite abit but wasn't as bad as it first looked he only has a small cut but a big bruised bump appeared on his head ( abit bigger then a 10 pence piece) luckily we didn't need to take him to the hospital as after he stopped crying he was alert and generally feeling well ( he's playing very happily with his brother now), he just wanted cuddles for a bit and kept asking me why I was crying lol.

Sorry this is so long but I just can't believe how unlucky my son is he now has 4 scars on his head from falls and bumps.

Does any one else have an unlucky little one or is it just my son.

xSuzx :)
Oh Hun!!

Kids will be kids! You will never stop kids having accidents, my daughter is always falling over!

My friends son is 3 and he has been to hospital twice that amount, he is a real Jack the lad and likes to be where he shouldn't!! :wink:

It'll make him a stronger person
Oh bless him. i was a very accident prone baby. My mum didn't catch me properly when playing and I fell on my face. I was on my trike and fell off and grazed all down one side of my face. I fell down the stairs and split my head open. I broke my collar bone jumping off the bed. These were all before the age of 2 and I am still accident prone today. So much so that during one tour in Oz my guide said that he was suprised I made it back, (I had swam unwittingly with a tiger shark and nearly fell over the edge of a cliff during that one week) :D
sound like an accident prone wee soul. Some are like that, will trip over their own shadow. It must be hard when there are 2 boys as well, one will be trying to be more daring than the other.

This is what glasses of wine are for at night ( for you I meant)
It must be the name Callum - my Callum is just the same :?

Round here, you get a visit off the HV whenever you've been to A&E - ours gave up and just laughs about him now. They're supposed to get sent home from school when they have an accident but they gave up with Callum when it happened three times in one week. Callum's quite used to it now, and as he's mad about Star Wars, he reckons he was Jar Jar Binx in a previous life :D We just make sure we have a huge first aid kit on hand. Stuarts dad tells me Stuart was just the same - still is!! Callum was diagnosed with Dyspraxia early on, but apart from getting extra help in PE he just gets on with it.
Awwww Suz
Isn't it horrible when they hurt themselves?
Mason once fell and bashed his lip really badly on a concrete slab....there was so much blood I was sure he's knocked his teeth out, luckily he hadn't but it really shook me up.
There is a boy at nursery that is constantly banging his head and cutting it open...My brother always used to get hurt..worse luck was when he was on his bike and didnt look properly at the road and got hit by a land rover!!! he just about survived that with a fractured scull and split wrist...

cas x
OMG Cassi that must have been awful for your brother.

Callum was back at pre school today so had to fill in the accident book, Nicky one of the pre school assistants said how perky he looked considering and joked that maybe he was just used to it lol.

Callum can litterally fall over from just standing still he's so accident prone, although the first reasons he was sent to hospital wasn't his fault ( 1st time HV was alittle over worried 2nd time was due to illness).

the most annoying thing about it all is that I can't drive and hubby is in the R.A.F so most the times it's happened he's either been away or at work on shift so I always have to call him back from work.


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