My get up and go has got up and gone!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I have so much I need to do, and no energy or motivation to do it. The house is a mess, I desperately need to catch up with the laundry, we still need to finish babys nursery...

Not sure what's come over me but I've managed to stay pretty organised up until the past week or two and now my energy has just GONE! :dohh:

I should count myself lucky I'm not working now, but I get up in the morning, make a cuppa and sit on the sofa with my laptop thinking about everything I need to do but just not getting up and doing it! It makes me worry how I'll cope when baby is here because I know it will be much worse then; I'm hoping it's just a phase I'm going through or just the fact I'm well into the third trimester now and this is just what happens. Someone please tell me I'm not alone! :(
OMG today at work I am just soooooo bored!!! I feel like I want to just close my eyes and sleep. I have stuff to do - loads but zero energy - none!! Even my arms feel heavy if I lift them. Think lack of sleep not helping - last night went to bed back of 8 - went to sleep 12.30 and thats early for me its normall 2am. I have no desire to cook, clean, walk, look after kids and hubby away in Spain on holiday ho hum....
You are soooo not alone I have bought everything for hospital bag but now cant think where I put it and cant be arsed packing it anyway.....
lol. i went through all this. it does come back. the last week or so i havent stopped. having a rest day today although still sitting here thinking i could just hoover the house quickly, and do some washing, and make some flapjacks. cant stop myself. oh is off today though and wants me to have some nap times cos i got all upset last night. xxx
Tracey: Yep, the lack of sleep probably doesn't help! I'm sleeping terribly at the moment.

Nadia: I'm so glad to hear it comes back! I feel useless!
I was the same when I finished work. I watched an entire series of 24 in like 5 days! Gradually I moved from doing a bit of tv watching and a bit of sorting and now I cannot sit still. I literally get up in the morning, have my breakfast and just want to tidy and clean. I think it's normal for the stage you are at. You are lucky! I didn't finish work till 34.5 weeks and It was haaaaaaarrrrrddddd getting up and going to work. Don't fret - you still have 10 weeks or so, give and take, to get everything done :)

Lulu, I am the same and have been for a couple of weeks! I'm just feeling shattered a lot of the time and I canni be bothered!

Hoping it comes back as I have a tonne of bits to do! x

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