my first post in here


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2010
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I feel lile my dd is growing up far too fast n I have lots of toddler related questions lol.
First of all when do you start petty training I no each child I different but when is the recomended age to.start introducing and how do you go about it. Secondly tantrums and bossiness lol. Since my dd has started walking when I let her walk in shops of parks etc its always her way or no way if I try to get her to walk where I Want to all hell breaks loose same as if I pick her up she will push her self out of my arms scream etc. Shes always been head strong but she's also an excellent child until the walking issues around shops. Do I cut out walking round shops all together until iv mastered her listing to me but I'm.stumped coz in rvery other aspect she listens to me I want to nip it in the bud now before it gets to.out of hand
Hiya :D

Potty training, I always thought the you would know was a panic but we did. We use to sit our eldest on hers at nappy changing time, she never did anything but we also kept the potty around and would tell her what it was andion her own time she started telling us she'd done a wee and that was the time we introduced it to her slowly. Kids potty train at different ages it's all about the child and just introducing them to it rather than thinking it should be over and done with quickly. It worked for us as soon as she got the hang of it of it that was that she wouldn't get off it :lol: now we have the whole situation where she goes to the toilet on her own, never known a kid to wee so much :lol:

Tantrums ...we have stood still with our eldest in the street etc until shes ready to stop, sadly sometimes you have to ignore the looks around you. My Caitlin once threw herself on the cold floor on way back home from nursery, I just left her there. Her nose soon got cold. Also we used a backpack harness and would still use one now because shes no fear of toddling off on her own (so depends where we are):

At home the tanrums result in a spell on the sofa for 'time out'.

This is what I thought about the whole potty training thing iv starte d using pull UPS and calling them big girl pants lol she picks things up really quickly and shes always following me to the bathroom and trys lifting the lid of the loo lol

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