my first midwife appt!

Vicki & Nathan

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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i have my first midwife appointment today at 3 and im so excited!
seems like the first step and that its really happening!
not sure what they will actually do though
and i might make myself sound silly here but they didn't say anything so im assuming its at my doctors surgery? just thought of that lol
The first appointment is usually the longest. I think she'll do a blood test, weigh you and fill in all the forms with you. Thats what happened at mine anyway.

You should get loads of leaflets and booklets. She'll ask you about your health and medical history etc, and also your partners.

It should be at your doctors if thats where you made the appointment :D

Good luck :hug:
Make sure you take a urine sample with you - they always test your urine at every appointment, and I have found that when I have forgotten mine, they ask you to do one in the ladies and then I can never go!!

They may not take bloods. I am having my bloods done at the same time as my scan in 2 weeks, but this is a bit late (scan is nearly 3 weeks late anyway).

Lots of form filling, medical history of you, your partner and both sets of families.

Unless they said otherwise, it is usually done at your doctors surgery. I would just ring to check just in case.

Hope it goes well, and hope you get a nice midwife - it makes all the difference to have someone you can talk to.

Heather x
well just got back from my appointment and nothing much happened really, was out in 5 minutes.
she did my bp and asked me if i had any questions and gave me a specimen bottle lol
she said all the rest will be done in the new year when im 12 weeks when she comes to my house.

Glad it all went well.
Strange how everyones geos differently.
Hi Vicki1983 :wave:

I noticed that you had your first midwife's appointment at 8 weeks. I've just been to tell the doctor I'm preg for the first time, and he said that I would have to waite until the scan at 12 weeks to see anyone. Is this normal??

I'm six weeks preg at the minute.

well when i went to the doctors for the first time i was told i was about 5 1/2 weeks but im unsure of my dates so it could be more. at my first docs appointment i was just told to go out and ask the receptionist to make me an appointment with the midwife. maybe it was a bit soon as she told me my booking in wouldnt be made until i was 12 weeks and she didnt really do much anyway

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