My fat bum


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Arghhhhhh, got to go to a party on Friday night and my bum is sooooo huge that nothings fits apart from the skanky old jogging bottoms I've lived in for the past 4 weeks while pregnant. Can't even get the trousers over my arse :oops: :rotfl: . Going to have to either lose a stone by Friday or buy size 20 :shock: trousers when I go into town tomorrow.
Well done you for having the energy to want to go to said party so soon after giving birth.

Any free time I had those early weeks I just wanted to sleep :lol: :roll:
well said sherlock....and i agree "good on you for going to a party so soon afta havin a baby - really hope you enjoy your night :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sherlock said:
Well done you for having the energy to want to go to said party so soon after giving birth.

Any free time I had those early weeks I just wanted to sleep :lol: :roll:

I had a quick and easy labour and midwife said I've recovered very quickly, it hardly feels like I pushed a baby out nearly two weeks ago. Connie hardly cries and only wakes twice in the night and my DH does a lot for her so I'm actually feeling pretty good (sorry if I sound smug :D ) and really enjoying being a mummy.

Got size 22 trousers!!!!!!!! I think my hips have expanded to twice there original size. Diet needs to be taken seriously now. No one is going to expect me to be thin so soon after giving birth so sod it :lol: .
Hazel said:
Sherlock said:
Well done you for having the energy to want to go to said party so soon after giving birth.

Any free time I had those early weeks I just wanted to sleep :lol: :roll:

I had a quick and easy labour and midwife said I've recovered very quickly, it hardly feels like I pushed a baby out nearly two weeks ago. Connie hardly cries and only wakes twice in the night and my DH does a lot for her so I'm actually feeling pretty good (sorry if I sound smug :D ) and really enjoying being a mummy.

Gah! Any chance your Connie can give mine lessons in how NOT to scream the house down?

Good luck with the diet :hug:

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